Who's This? Part 2
Who's This? Part 2

A knock on the door, diverted these two girls' attention towards that door, Kajal asked who's this? A voice from the other side of door came, Karan here. Karan is their Facebook friend who is studying in same college for which Kajal and her friend has applied. Karan came here to help these two girls out for cleaning the house. They three started from hall, while cleaning Kajal kept a flower vase but was an empty one on dinning table which was found lying near sofa table. Kajal was trying to remember but finally agreed that it was mistakenly been placed by her there. She again kept that vase on dining table, after couple of minutes again she found it near sofa. Kavya thought for it again but this time she let that vase there. She moved towards corner walls, on one of them, their family picture is hanged. She started cleaning walls, their family picture fell abruptly.
All three came there and they began to pick all broken glasses so to prevent themselves from being injured. Kajal went to drop that broken glasses into dustbin, while returning from there she heard a strange voice coming from dustbin. She heard that someone has spoken, "Kajal please don't go". That voice made her to go back and check what's wrong with this dustbin. She checked, but didn't find any suspicious. She blamed her emotions for things like this was happening with her. She got busy in cleaning stuffs. The three went to clean the kitchen, as th
ey did their part for hall and it was looking pretty good. While they were cleaning kitchen, Kajal remembered how she used to sit on platform while her mother was cooking. She used to talk and asked as many questions with her mother when she sat there. She controlled her tears and started talking with her friend and Karan in a voice quite louder than before as if she was resisting herself from going to that emotional zone again. They three managed to clean kitchen and took a lunch break.
Karan ordered pizzas for all. After a pause for an hour they three began to clean painful areas of the house, Kajal's parents' bedroom from where this story started. While cleaning stuffs from bedroom, Kajal found a string telephone made of plastic cups. That reminded her of her mother again, she played with it and talked from this with her mother. She kept it on bed and went back in her work. After she was done with cleaning, she took a string telephone up and found some strange writing on it. Previously when she took that phone for the first time there wasn't any word written on it but this time she saw "I am back". She got scared and that telephone fell on the floor from her hand. She was recollecting all the incidents happening with her since she came. She found it bit horror but was unaware of its reason and who's doing this. There is a lot more happened with Kajal after this but wait for further tomorrow to know in detail.