Drama Romance Children



Drama Romance Children

Vedika's Tryst With Life

Vedika's Tryst With Life

5 mins

She was tired and thirsty. The forest was pitch dark embedded with sounds of leaves rustling in the wind. The forest was too dense than she had anticipated. She could see tall trees all around her but could not see the end of the forest. She was too scared to move any further. she decided to turn around and trace her way back. As soon as she turned the floor below her seemed to give way .... she continued to fall into a deep trench ... it seemed to be a never-ending trench ... she had no control over herself ..she was panting for breath. It was terribly dark around her. Suddenly she heard a thud and opened her eyes ... she sat up on her bed. Her nightdress was soaked with sweat. This was the 4th time this month that she had a nightmare !!

Vedika was scared of sleeping nowadays. She would either be awake the entire night or get these nightmares. She was scared of nighttime. She would be too tired in the daytime. Vedika was trying to reach Sanjay for 2 days now. His phone keeps on ringing but no response. She was getting really concerned.

She had a scheduled doctor appointment today and really wanted Sanjay to escort her to the doctor's office. Vedika had already let her employer know that she will be taking a sick day off. She was sure that she will not be able to go through this by herself. Where is Sanjay ?? He used to pick up her call in the 1st ring but those days seem to be a dream now for her.

Vedika was concerned that Sanjay was taking her for granted for the past 6 months since the time she accepted his proposal and became closer to him. He had been trying to woo her for 1 year. He was very persistent. Vedika fell in love with him over time. Both the families had no clue about their affair.

"Vedika Not going to work today ?" Asked Vedika's sister surprised. "No, Ruchika. I need to get some work done at the bank so I took the day off." Her mom in the kitchen was surprised to hear Vedika say so since she hardly used to take any day off from work. Her mom observed that she looked a little lost nowadays and was not her usual chirpy self.

Vedika really wanted to share her worries with Ruchika but held herself back thinking she is too young to pull her into this whirlwind.

Vedika took a shower grabbed her handbag and rushed out of the door anxious as to how this day will be. She was really worried when her phone buzzed with Sanjay's name flashing on her phone. She quickly pressed the green button. She could sense Sanjay was in a bad mood as soon as she answered his call. "Why do you have to call me so many times? " Vedika was taken aback from the tone in his voice. " I was worried since I did not hear from you since the day before yesterday. You did not reply to my messages too " justified Vedika. " Hope you will reach on time. I am already on my way "said Vedika in a hurry. Sanjay said "I am too busy and cannot make it to the doctor's office. " Vedika was very annoyed as soon as Sanjay said so.

How can he do this to me? This is the time when I really need him by my side. I don't see the love and affection in his eyes anymore. Oh no. How I am going to face all this alone. Vedika approached the doctor's office with a lot of apprehensions. She already had a strong doubt about the results. She kept praying that what she feared does not happen. She is only 22. She completed her bachelor's and just started working. Her salary was the only source of income for her family. Her salary not only bought food on the table but also met her ailing dad's medical expenses and funded her sister's college education. She had no time to think about herself. But now she was forced to just think only about herself. She couldn't believe that she had put herself in such a situation. She sat in the doctor's waiting room her sweaty palms clasped together. She wanted to lay down on her mom's lap and not think about anything. She was saying prayers in her mind and hoping sincerely that her guess was wrong. Just then she heard the nurse call her name. " Vedika, the doctor is ready to see you now."Vedika jumped up and started walking towards the doctor's chamber. She looked back with a slight hope that Sanjay would walk in. To her dismay, Sanjay did not come. "Hi Vedika, How are you ? A very good morning to you ". Said Dr. Hetal. Vedika's heart was pumping fast and she thought "there is nothing good about this morning."Where is your husband? You did not bring him along? I have great news to share with you".said the doctor smiling from ear to ear. "I am not married yet doctor " Vedika said. Hearing that Dr. Hetal's smile started drooping down. "Oh is it? " Dr said completely alarmed. "Then I do not know if it is good news or not Vedika. You are Pregnant"!!!!!

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