The horrible incident that happened some ten years ago, still makes me shudder. The horrible incident that happened some ten years ago, still makes me shudder.
What if one day you get kidnapped by the ALIENS? What if one day you get kidnapped by the ALIENS?
A mammoth of home-work gave teachers immense pleasure.. A mammoth of home-work gave teachers immense pleasure..
Not all heroes wear capes. Some happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not all heroes wear capes. Some happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong tim...
Srishti one day thought of ragging Gopa and asked her to dance on the road, Gopa hated Srishti one day thought of ragging Gopa and asked her to dance on the road, Gopa...
Although I never miss a chance to do a small act of kindness, help an accident victim, Although I never miss a chance to do a small act of kindness, help an accident v...