Drama Horror Thriller



Drama Horror Thriller

The Unnerving House

The Unnerving House

4 mins

The owner of the house Mr. Praveen was waiting for the new buyer, the time for the meeting was 10:am and still waiting. At 10:20am, he heard a knock on the door, he opened the door and a gentleman with black suit said," I'm Mr. Anand you must be the owner of this house?" Praveen welcomed Anand and he started the tour of the house, in between this conversation took place:

Anand - "this house seems perfect for one person why do you want to sell it ?"

Praveen - "Mr. Anand do you believe in ghosts ?"

Anand - "no I don't and what's the reason you ask ?"

Praveen - "what if I tell you that the reason for me to immediately sell this house is that there is the presence of some kind of unnatural spirit in this house that his haunting my nights."

Anand - "well I wouldn't care less . I don't believe in ghosts and not what you said either."

Praveen - "why don't we make a deal? I'll tell you my 3 incidents with this house that would be enough to scare you and if you do get scared you would buy this house and pay me extra 5% of the price And if I lose I'll give you 10% discount on the house. What do you say ?"

Anand - "I surely accept that offer ."

Praveen - "alright then here I go with my first incident ":

1) I'm the guy who always checks his social media and one day I came across some type of meme that you cannot win rock paper scissors against yourself like in the mirror but still like an idiot I still kind of did it, I played rock paper scissors against the mirror but it turned out more horrific because I won. The man in the mirror who looks like me lost the game.

Anand - " maybe it could be a dream?"

Praveen - "this was just the start Mr Anand, your doubt will be cleared when I tell you my next incident."

2) when I moved here things started getting serious every day so I decided to record everything that is happening in this house even when I'm sleeping. Most of the days not much was seen but there was this one night which I couldn't forget. It was midnight and before I was going to sleep I was setting my alarm for the morning but it was out of battery so I just decide to sleep anyway with the camera recording whole night, I didn't find any problems sleeping that whole night except sometimes I was hearing some kind of noises but didn't bother, maybe it was a dream but the next day when I woke I first checked my camera recorder to see the footage, what I see is that a little girl enters the room and stares at the camera for two hours, after that she picks up my phone and takes photos of me sleeping. Turns out I checked my phone and there were photos of myself sleeping and I live here alone.

Mr Anand - "did you try to complain or talk to anyone about this ?"

Mr. Praveen - "no one believed it and I'm sure you wouldn't too believe this last incident that terrifies me from the first day."

3) A few weeks ago a couple came into my house and showed me a photo of their 7-year-old daughter Nita, they asked me if I had ever seen her around the neighborhood, I said no and without any further replies they immediately went away, after they left I had a feeling I knew them before so I Searched the attic where previous owners of this house left their stuff, I found a photo frame of a family with three members father mother and their daughter Nita, I was shocked to find this in my house. I went to the police station and found out that the couple also had a son who had killed Nita and his parents and since then multiple times at night the couple roams around the street to find their daughter but there was no name or other information that their son was still alive or dead.

Mr Praveen - "so let me ask you Mr Anand, did you get scared and do you now believe in ghosts?"

         ( Suddenly doorbell rings )

Without any hesitation, Praveen opens the door and a man with a black suit goes," hello I'm Mr Mahesh I'm looking for Mr. Praveen I was supposed to see this house today but got a little late".

Mr Praveen - "are you the new buyer ?"

Mr Mahesh - "yes and I also found this little note under your doormat."

Praveen read the note which said, " his name was Anand or I should say late Anand ".

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