The Treasure
The Treasure

A couple shifted to a new house with their two children. When the younger boy entered his room and opened his toy box, he screamed. He felt something punch on his face. He was left surprised. When he saw it, it was a jack in the box. Under it there was an old yellow coloured, wrinkled, crinkled and extremely fragile page. It was about A3 size and it was looking like map to a treasure in the nearby forest , which was no more than half a couple of miles due south west and a compass with a needle of gold and entire body made of silver. There was also a letter lying beside the compass. It was written that- “for my beloved grandson”.
His grandfather who was an explorer known as Diego Brown. He took the whole toy box to his elder brother for he didn’t want to let his parents know about all that stuff but he also needed an expert who could help him out of the problem. Next day they discussed all about this and plan to find the treasure. Till the next week they kept collecting necessities required for finding treasure, all the stuff he needed for his Adventure.
Next day they setup for the journey after winning their parents’ permission to allow them to go for camping with two other friends, who were Ron and Sam went to forest. After a couple of minutes they went in the car. The car left then in front of the forest. They went following the map 50 leagues due northwest for two days. When they reached the cross in the
map and saw there was nothing at that point. But by any means the, tiny Ron, who was a fan of adventure movies and said that he knows how to get the treasure.
He placed a quite large stone on the point and many small stones covering the large stone and felt something like an earthquake. On the side he saw a huge cave rising from the ground. It was the height of about 3 feet and the shape of very big foot ball or something and a very wired pattern on it and was said save to unlock and it was also mentioned that they have to make swastika out of that sign. They tried it but nobody got it. Then another page pasted right under the page came out with the steps written.
His grandfather was an adventurer and he wrote the steps. When it opened, they saw a tunnel. They went through it and they made till a long hollow way to sanctum sanctorum. It was about half a mile long. Ron said that he brought same small pieces of rocks, which could help them. When he threw one of the rocks, a rain of arrows occurred and everything was clear. They made it till the sanctum sanctorum and took the chest and went out. Then talked to our parents and told them the truth. They said they should give it to the Archeological Survey of India. Next day they went to the ASI and handed over the chest to them. When they opened it they saw piles of gold. Then they were given awards and soon they were famous about their discoveries.