The Tracks
The Tracks
The rail tracks that you see, they have a life. Pretty depressing actually, coz no-one tries to understand what they have been cursed to deal with, forever. They hide within themselves deep and dark secrets of humans and animals, all in all, secrets of eternity. When a lady in the middle of them, waits for the engines to run over her, the tracks, they see her pain that she has been dealing with for a long time, and being unable to save her and make her understand the worth of life, they grieve instead, alone. When that little kid was returning back home, with delicious mother-cooked ramen on his mind, being in a hurry he couldn't notice the golden yellow lights that came towards him from his left and the next second he was left shattered. On those tracks. On the outside, the tracks were filled with blood and from the inside, they flooded with tears and guilt. What was the child's fault? Or the mothers? Or his family? Perhaps, we can blame time for that. Not just that one child, hundreds of thousands of innocent children, adults and animals must have died, just like that! Little did any of them know that in two seconds, all of them would be in some other world, they could never escape from. Which had no loophole that could bind them to the real world? Many beaten-up pregnant women, depressed and lonely men, harassed adults, and so on, have died on these tracks thinking of it as a way to not face the real world, not knowing what they have lost is bigger than their family issues, relationship problems, or being harassed.
55, 255, 255);">What they have lost, is life.
The tracks, they know the worth of every single lost life, because they never got to have one. All these days, they have only grieved and cried and were filled with remorse, upon lives, which they know, if given a chance, they would have lived their fullest. And now, all they want is, people to know the worth of every single thing they have, and how precious their life is! When we don't have something, we wish to have it. When we get it, we stop valuing it. When it's gone from us, we start understanding the value of it. The same goes for life. We don't understand it's worth until it's taken away from us. Life's a battlefield! Fight it! Don't you dare escape it? Rather, live it. You have a life, embrace it. Many don't get to live one like you do. LIVE LIFE, LOVE LIFE !!
Cheers, to LIFE!