shruti mishra

Abstract Drama Tragedy


shruti mishra

Abstract Drama Tragedy

The Scar!

The Scar!

4 mins

She was sitting alone in the dinner continuously checking the time as if she expected someone. She kept on dialling a number but to no avail. She walked out of the dinner to get some fresh air. It was beautiful night. From across the road she could hear the waves roar. Smriti thought to cross the road and spend some time by sitting on the beach to enjoy the lovely winter breeze. She checked her phone again, left a message to Jim and started to cross the road when a litter of puppies caught her attention. She picked one of them and played with it for a while. She took the caramel coloured furry little puppy and was about to cross the road when a car hits her throwing her long away with the puppy. Laced in her own blood she lay helpless on the road. A doctor who saved thousands of lives sacrificing her hours of social happiness was now waiting for someone to at least call an ambulance.

The memories of her life kept playing in her mind. But, the most regretting part was not being able to meet Jim. She longed for almost a year to see him in person. She remembered the week. It was a tiring week for Smriti. Working 15 hours a day sounded exciting only during the medical school.

Finally, her shift ended for the week. She craved for a perfect evening, eating her favourite meal with her favourite person and favourite place. She dozed off thinking about everything she can accomplish in a day so that she can work relaxed in the next shift. Her phone buzzed twice while she was asleep and she moved a little to sleep comfortably. Not realising she was in the hospital bench she fell on the floor and was awakened in the bright reality. Taking a moment to realise what actually happened she laughed at herself and stood up to check what time was it. She had 2 missed calls from "Smilie". The name withheld it's impression as Smriti was smiling.

She called back and decided to meet Smilie at a nearby diner. Smriti signed off her patient sheets and filled in the work hour registry. She rushed back to her place to get ready to meet Smilie. Smilie aka Jim;heart beat of Smriti , her go to person. Jim is usually flying back and forth from Mumbai to Delhi to assist in his dad's business. Jim is the only person Smriti relied on from kindergarten to jr. college about every small details in her life. It's been a year since they had a chance to bitch together about their not-so-planned life. Her vision was blurred but she could see a man, in olive shirt and blue pants approaching towards her.

Before she could recognise the man she passed out. By the expression on the man's face it was as if his worst nightmare came true. He hurriedly took her into his arms and drove her to the nearby hospital. The hospital where she worked. See her in partially dead condition everyone in the hospital feared the diagnosis of her condition. They took her to the ER and the man was asked to fill in the formalities and in the blank for relationship with the patient he filled "friend".

He couldn't believe his one mistake has cost Smriti almost her life. His excitement to meet her and the desire to not keep her waiting all resulted into a scar for lifetime. The guilt of hurting the girl whom he never ever think of hurting not only by actions but also by words couldn't keep him sane. Those hours when Smriti struggled for life Jim nearly wished for his death in exchange for her life. Such is the bond of their friendship. The Operation went successful but it left Smriti on a wheelchair forever. Jim tried everything in his power and beyond to be the "Smilie" that she called her by somehow making her stand on her feet but alas, not all efforts are fruitful.

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