The Poor
The Poor

The government officials were distributing blankets.
An old woman, in her eighties, reached there.
The dealing clerk told, "Give me hundred bucks and take away one blanket."
The old woman told, "Son, the government is perhaps distributing free of cost na?"
The clerk again reacted, "Don't argue too much. Aunty, you are getting a blanket worth Rs 500 bucks in as low as Rs. 100 only. What else do you need? Ultimately you are in profit na?"
The old woman only smiled back and responded, "Son, you must be way much poorer. Why should you bear a loss of Rs. 400 for me? I will manage somehow. Winter will pass away.
You better sell the blanket to someone else. You need money, right?
Your need is bigger than mine.
You are much poorer."