Radhika was jumping with joy when she discovered that her brother, John was hired as a lead actor in a reputed theatre company. That day was colourful when she noticed her brother showcasing on a big podium. The applause of appreciation by the gathered audience added to her enthusiasm. "I would keep it a secret", exclaimed the little Radhika. Each day she would quietly follow her brother and would relish the quality time, gazing at her brother. Once she presented a request of a long red gown to be gifted on her 12th birthday. "Ohh, my little sister wants a red gown." expressed her brother. Her brother excitedly agreed to fulfil her desire.
The day before the evening ball Radhika again followed her brother. She was singing the glory of the upcoming party..Moreover the gift from her brother added to her excitement. Soon she reached the theatrical company. The director stretching lazily on an armchair furiously stood up and rebuked " John, why are you so late? You are turning so careless. You will lose your job for the same response again." John was so disheartened that tears splashed down his cheeks.. The scene at the theatrical company was strongly disliked by Radhika. The tears in her brother's eyes drained all her excitement. With hunched shoulders and depressed mood, she returned to her place.
Throughout the day she stretched on the pane of the window and the company scene flashed in her mind every second. At night, the doorbell rang. John stood-up at the door and was eagerly waiting for her sister running and approaching to welcome him. But then suddenly Radhika turned up at the door with watery eyes. She exclaimed, " Bhaiya, please leave that theatrical company." Those words made John understand everything. Radhika tightly held her brother and comforted her feelings. John emotionally said, " Radhika, my little sister just stop crying, be my brave girl." He further added, "Your smile is the most worthful thing for me and I had been working hard to gift you the gown on your special day."....
That made Radhika realise the deep affection of her brother. Both of them united their love and compassion...