Lockdown Life Lessons...
Lockdown Life Lessons...
Amidst these deadly hours when people are compelled to reside in their homes my unusual thoughts are involved in a kind of rat race to conclude that this lockdown period has brought-up 'a jerk' in prevailing mindset.
Yes, you read it correct 'a jerk'. The mindset of the solicitous year 2019 had made our girls and women 'THE PERMANENT RESIDERS OF HOMES'. But currently, we are realising how difficult it is to live within the sick environment of our houses. Psychic respect to all those girls and women who had spent years within the four walls. Actually this is not a lockdown period but a 'bonding period'. The past working years had made emotions just a couple of experiences. But now emotions are expressed by each
passing second. Walls of a house can hear cries of laughter, one can relish the satisfaction of having delicacies together. Doesn't it give the impression of a renowned royal feast? This period has flashed our capabilities. Capability to live, Capability to feed, Capability to fight, Capability to stand together, and the list goes on. For instance, our educators, the real stock of pure knowledge and experience have innovatively combined realistism with the modern technology. Really, it is interesting to hunt for our capabilities and worthiness. Though, this lockdown period has darkened hopes, but yet it has fuelled up our feelings. I must conclude that this hollendrous time has made human lives worthful..