The Fearless Kiss
The Fearless Kiss

It was a wedding event when Ethan met Annie for the first time. Both were sitting alone during the wedding vows, when Annie saw Ethan was sitting alone and as even she was getting bored, she decided to go and approach Ethan so both might get a partner to spend the time. She went there and approached Ethan saying, “Hi! Myself Annie, what about you?” As she was a stranger to him Ethan replied, “Myself Ethan? Can I help you in any way?” Annie replied, “No thanks, I saw you sitting alone and even I am not having any of my friends here so I thought even if you are getting bored, we can spend this time together and have a new friend.” With this said both accompanied each other and as they didn’t know each other well they first started with knowing about their educational background, Ethan said he was pursuing degree in Information Technology in the final year of his college at Shanti Niketan College Of Engineering, with a shocking expression Annie stopped Ethan and said even I am in the same college I study in the 3rd year of Computer Engineering.
Both were engaged in college talks, after a while wedding vow was about to end both stood up and finally when the groom kissed the bride Annie whispered it looks so cute when couples kiss in church and finally get married! Ethan agreed and said it’s probably the cutest part one can have in their love story.
While they were whispering their parents came there and with a questioning voice asked them, “You know each other?” Annie replied, “No-no I was getting bored and saw him alone so approached I him.” Ethan’s father with a smile said, “Nice, meet her Ethan she is Annie Mr. Paul Fernandes’s daughter.” After thinking for a while Ethan remembered, “Yes I think I have met her before when we were on the Goa trip.” Mr. Paul replied, “Yes you are right.” Annie in a bit awkward tone said, “Sorry I don’t remember much about that trip, but no worries we very well talked about each other and now at least we are not strangers.” With this said they shaked hands and left from there.
As now they knew they were in same college they started going with each other to the college and got introduced to each other’s friends. As Ethan was in the final year he was supposed to make a project in which he asked Annie to join him as it might help Ethan in work management and even Annie could gain some experience. They started working on their project and it made a bond between them. It was the wedding season, so they used to meet and spend quality time at various wedding functions.
One day after an event while going home they got a notice that Ethan had to give his work within 3 months, so he asked Mr. Paul if Annie could join him for overnight work for a few days. As they were good family friends Annie was allowed to join Ethan for late night work. They started working day and night to complete the project before time, Annie was very helpful to Ethan. She just forgot she was doing it for Ethan, she was as dedicated as she was doing it for herself. Ethan was very impressed by her helpful nature. One night they were returning from friend’s birthday party, Annie was drunk, and Ethan took the responsibility of making her reach home safely, while travelling she just slept over Ethan and Ethan made her sleep on the seat and left her at home and then went home. After few days they returned to work when no one was at home parents were at a friend’s destination wedding, so it was only Ethan and Annie at home. Knowing no one was at home Annie joined him in shorts and crop top, Ethan didn’t bother that and started working, after working for an hour Ethan was tired so he asked Annie to stop for the day and have a movie night. Annie was happy as she anyways wanted to confess her love that night.
Ethan got the popcorn and some soft drinks, with shivering cold temperature of AC they both got into the same blanket, Annie leaned over Ethan, and both started watching romantic movie. When movie was at its peak Annie stopped came on her knees and said, “Just like these two I want us to be, I love you probably too much, I don’t if it’s too early to propose but the amount and quality of time we spent together is enough to make me
yours! Let me elaborate, the day we met in church and the way we talked I could clearly make it out you are a pure and kind hearted person so I took interest in being with you and as a part of my interest I joined you on almost every possible event so we could come closer and it was a very successful attempt as I came to know other side of you as well, the one who lifts my mood when I am at my worst, making me laugh every moment, helping out in academics and much more. You might be the perfect guy to make this cutie be the happiest forever. Can I assume a yes and celebrate being the luckiest girl?”
“Yes, I love you too, but I am 22 and you are 21, we are too early for this thing.”, Ethan replied and after a halt he continued, “I love you as much you do to me, but I don’t want you to marry an average middle class guy, so first let us complete our project, enter the business world become successful together and then marry each other being successful and self-dependent, and this is a promise I will be yours till then, can you assure the same?” with tears of happiness, “Yes!”, replied Annie. Ethan was about to kiss Annie, but she stopped him saying its not right before being married and even someone can see us, Ethan could feel her discomfort so even he stopped and just hugged her tight to make her feel loved and comfortable, now with more love they enjoyed every romantic part of the movie.
The next day their parents returned from function, but they didn’t find it to be the right time to tell their parents. So, hiding from their parents they continued with their routine work and soon they completed their project. Now it was the time for presentation of the work they did as their project, Ethan presented his work and college staff was impressed by his work and his work was also praised by industry experts present there. Later the presentation industry experts gave him offer to buy his software for a huge money but thanking them for the offer he straight away rejected the offer saying, “I would like to enter the business world with this product, so, hope we soon meet at some corporate event.”
Saying this they left from there and after going home he invited Mr. Paul and family for a dinner party as Annie contributed to this successful presentation. A year later even Annie completed her degree, and both entered the business world with their product. Within a span of two years with proper strategy, business plan, marketing, user satisfaction their company was a UNICORN company. Ethan and Annie decided to throw a party invited both families, close ones, and business partners.
Party took place, at the event, stopping everyone Ethan invited Annie on stage, holding her hands, he started his words, “Today is Annie’s 23rd birthday and with your support today our company is a UNICORN company, so I would like to make it more special, Annie, remember the night when you proposed me and I said it’s too early for us to get married, but I promised you that the day we become successful I will finally marry you, so today is the day, in front of everyone on this special day I would like to ask you, will you marry me?” with a lot of happiness and excitement, “Yes! I had been waiting for this moment.” Saying this she hugged Ethan, and both were very happy. Their parents knew them very well so even they gave them the permission. The next day they went for a movie where during romantic scenes Ethan tried to kiss Annie, but she stopped again saying people are looking at us, we aren’t married yet, so this is wrong. Ethan was sad but didn’t mind much.
Finally, their parents with them went for a lunch and decided their marriage date, it was the next month. They invited all their friends, colleagues, business parts and others for their marriage.
After a month the day finally arrived. Wedding vows were being performed, with both accepting each other to be theirs in presence of father and Jesus, father gave the permission to kiss each other. Ethan with a big smile on his face said, “Let everyone see today, today we kiss each other fearlessly, no matter who sees, I love my wife a lot.” Saying this he kissed Annie with love, and this was their first and fearless kiss.