The Face Burner

The Face Burner

2 mins

When the first gas stove was made in America in the year 1820, a man bought it for his home so he can cook food. He had gone to the market to buy some sausages and vegetables but, when he returned home he saw that his house was on fire. He quickly called the fire brigade. The firefighters told that the gas stove was left burning on high flame. The man told that when he left, he switched off the gas stove. The firefighters told that a robber is roaming in the town so he would have turned on the gas. But the man said that he was having the key and the windows and chimney were also closed, so how the robber entered the house?

At night, when he was sleeping, he dreamed that the gas stove was switched on and his bed and the whole house was on fire and the fire reached his legs. He suddenly woke up and checked the gas stove. The gas stove was switched off but then also he was scared so he kept a chair in the kitchen and slept over there but then also the gas stove automatically. He sold it to the dark web. One man bought it to his house but when he got closer to it, the gas stove burned his face.

One day a man got to know about this so he bought it purposely so he can stop what is going on. When he bought it, he switched it on and set it on full flame but his face also got burned. It was spreading like an infection in New York and everyone was becoming a creature like a zombie. And from that day the gas stove was known as the face burner.

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