udhbhavi arora

Children Stories Drama


udhbhavi arora

Children Stories Drama

The Elf

The Elf

1 min

Have you ever met an elf? I did, these elves are too mean and rude. They steal children 's identity and eat their delicious sweets. Once he attacked me.

I remember this happened two years ago. I saved this elf from drowning, and he said that he would do my homework. So I took him to my house. He sat and started doing it, after, a couple of days he was angry, (I still do not realize the reason why? ) he cut my gorgeous hair to make it short like his, and he wore a wig and my red dress, so I hade to wear his dirty, stinky green clothing. He sent to the world of elves. I was lost and scared there for a couple of days when I realized that the spells wich the elves kept in their pocket was with me now. I changed everything back to normal in the nick of time. He apologized to me and visited me often. But when he got to know that I know he still troubles children, visits to me were seldom. 

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