The Deer's Spots
The Deer's Spots

A very very long time ago, God was sitting in his garden on a swing eating a snack and talking to his beautiful wife, he gazed at his garden and felt so much at peace...the flowers were blooming, colorful butterflies frolicking about the little birds singing and the plants swaying in the gentle breeze. God sighed contently, but he noticed his wife didn't look so happy....he asked her if there was anything was wrong and she simply said "there is something missing in our garden" and walked away. He pondered on her words and decided to think about it the next day.
He slept peacefully and dreamt about all of his creations, animals plants humans everything.....
The sun finally rose and the smell of freshly fried vadas and hot sambar wafted into his room, urging him to wake. He ate his fill had some strong coffee and got to work. After all the tiring complaints and problems of his dear devotees, God got a moment of peace at last!!
He saw the paper and pencil and felt naturally drawn to it, he sat and drew whatever came to his head. First two sleek legs, then two more, he joined them with a shapely body and a tail. God drew the neck just the right size and the head with beautiful amber eyes and a tiny nose. Once he finished he pressed the button of the machine he used to bring his drawings alive, the machine refused
to work! "How peculiar..." he thought. Then he went back to his paper and drew some horns like the ones on a bull but it looked very odd so he rubbed it off.
He glanced out the window and saw a tree it had absolutely no leaves so he redrew the horns like the branches of the barren tree....
But while he was working the sharp lead pierced the paper leaving a ting hole. He couldn't possibly bring this to life with a hole in it, but his weaver ant helped him and stitched up the hole. God was absolutely delighted and promised the ant he would call these new horns 'antlers' in gratitude. Happy with the new animal he decided to paint it, brown body, black hoofs and just as he was painting the antlers an off white shade his dog polka jumped on him wanting to play a game of fetch, but as it is with art this upset his palette and sent droplets of white paint all over the animal!!
Silly polka had innocently enhanced the drawing and made it even more charming....As if he too was pleased now, he pressed the button bringing the drawing alive...The spotted animal full of life and energy went springing and jumping into the garden. His wife who was in the garden enjoying the sunset saw this wonderful animal and knew her dear lord had made the most unique creature for her with a stroke of his brush...Her garden was complete !!!