Navneet Mittal



Navneet Mittal


The Dark Night

The Dark Night

2 mins

As the DAY passed, I looked at the sky,
I don't know, but I asked myself, why?
why the SUN had to leave and let the MOON rise,
I looked at the MOON and it seemed me wise.

The night was dark, the cool breeze blew,
I could clearly hear the noise of the air which let the leaves flew.
There was sheer silence and I could hear someone breathing,
I discovered it was me breathing and found it shocking.

I never knew I could be heard in this noisy world, 
It always seemed that I have lost amidst this crowded world.
But this night brought me surprise, I could feel my presence,
I was introducing myself to me under the moonlit resonance.

The Dark Night's never seemed me so overwhelming,
But today w

hen I met myself, I found someone appealing.
In this silence, I shouted out loud, as loud as I could be,
And I could hear my name reverberating as clear as it could be.

I loved the Night which introduced myself to me,
I had my eyes wide open gazing at the sky, the moon too smiling at me.
With the sky shining so bright, I too found new hopes rising,
To my wonder, I see the white shining sky turning pale yellow and the SUN rising.

This made me realize, not everything is PERMANENT in life,
With every passing second one need to adapt to a change, a change for a new life.
I stood and looked at the sky, the SUN was growing HIGH and so were my thoughts,
With a new day, a new vibe I stand under the glowing sky with head rose HIGH.

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