The Conceiting Portrait (Part 15)
The Conceiting Portrait (Part 15)

Jo violently typed on her virtual keyboard. Jo was a girl who liked to keep her memories intact in a private application she designed for herself. She typed - I know that this nanotech and interference of Clara's soul in my mind is kinda artificial. But I definitely had to cook up a story in order to convince Max that the man in the far corner had something to do with it. In reality, that man never existed. It was a 3D virtual display technology developed by Interpol. It was my idea to be honest. I presented the prototype to Jennifer. I know who the mastermind is but I don't have any proof. Max is convinced that this is something related to the history of Michelle de la Vanilli. Even my gut says that it is related. Jennifer won't believe me if I told her. Right now, my only contact with Interpol is Clara.
"What are you doing Jo?" Jo was startled. She was pulled out of her reverie. She quickly locked the app and locked her phone. "Just jot down college notes. I have been missing my classes for a long time." Jo chuckled in embarrassment trying to cover up her sudden spike of adrenaline. Basil smiled back and went forward to have a chat with Max. She sighed. She narrowed her eyes to one of the buttons on his T-shirt. It looked very odd. It was different from the rest of his buttons. Unlike the others, this one looked like it had a lens. Just as she was about to focus more on it, her phone rang. Max and Basil turned towards her. She looked at the caller ID and remained calm. "Excuse me." she said and went to the balcony, away from Max and Basil. "Jennifer found a camera fixed on Michael's bed. It was stuffed between the cotton in his mattress. They were expecting us. We fell into their trap again. It is a dead-end. Do you have anything to report?" the caller asked. "I am in a confused state. We will have to call a meeting regarding my findings. When is it possible?" Jo said in a low and serious voice. "When can you get rid of them? The sooner, the better." the caller replied. "Tonight. I will scoot at midnight. But I need to be back before anyone knows."
Jo said. "Give them a small dose of morphine. That should put them to sleep for about 10 to 12 hours. I will come to pick you up at 5 minutes to 12."Jo hummed in response and kept the phone. "Who was it?" Jo expected it to be Basil but was surprised to find Max standing
behind her. "It was my professor. He is a little upset about my absence in the college." Jo lied again. "Why don't you resume college? Basil and I can take care of this murder mission." Max offered, being the kind gentleman he was. Jo shot a glance at Basil Blake who was on a call. She sensed something wrong and abruptly replied, "Clara would have wanted me to play a vital role in this. I can't back out now." she smiled. "I am sorry about Clara. The fight was unnecessary." Max said. "Hey! Fights are normal! No hard feelings brother." Jo chuckled but she also felt sorry. She had been playing with his feelings. What would happen if he got to know that she worked for Interpol? She remained silent. "Would you like to make pizza? The way we did with Clara? It would be fun." she suggested in an attempt to change the topic. "No pepperoni." Max said. Jo laughed and dragged him into the kitchen.
It was 11:50 pm. Jo waited at the entrance of the building. She had been successful in her plan to give small amounts of morphine to Max and Basil. The provision of a small glass of orange squash along with the pizza never failed her. While Max and Basil were busy setting up the table, she sneakily slipped into the kitchen and did the needful before coming out with the glasses. Her phoned buzzed. It was a text - 9 o'clock. Jo turned left to find a black convertible waiting for her. Punctual as usual she thought to herself. She walked towards the car. The sound of her boots echoed under the moonlight. She sat in the convertible and set off.
Basil Blake was wide awake. He stood on the balcony and saw Jo walking out into a black convertible. What a foolish agent! he thought. Basil had noticed Jo discreetly going into the kitchen. His suspicion was confirmed when she selectively placed the glass of orange squash for him and Max. Without anyone noticing, he secretly added an antidote in his squash. I better send this clip. Basil took out his phone and opened up an application. It was synced with the camera he had installed in each of his shirts. He clipped the recording from the part where she left the house upto the part where she got inside the convertible. He opened up his chat and sent the clip to an unsaved number. He typed something and went back to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day... He thought as he drifted off.