Aayush Shelar

Horror Thriller Tragedy


Aayush Shelar

Horror Thriller Tragedy

The Bus Stop

The Bus Stop

4 mins

Once a day Sunil, an IT officer was returning home after a tiring working day. It was a bad day. He had an argument with his boss. He was returning on his bike. It almost took two hours to reach home. As he reached home, he found delicious food waiting for him eagerly. Sunil’s mood became little light after eating the food. He needed a good, calm and peaceful sleep. He took the green tea which he used to drink after dinner. And then he and his wife went to sleep in their room with their child sleeping in the other one. During the midnight he heard some noise in the kitchen, like some cutlery had fallen down. He thought it may be the kitten which they had found two months back shivering in the cold weather on a street nearby. After five or six minutes the sound again approached his ears.

This time also he thought that it might be the kitten. This time he woke to bring the kitten back in his room. But when he was about to get down his bed he saw that then was sleeping on the floor. Then he just questioned, “Who is there in the kitchen?” No response was received. He repeated the same, but this time he could hear some footsteps. He also noticed that the footsteps were growing louder and louder. The footsteps grew so loud that it seemed someone was running. The footsteps came and stopped at his door. He could see the shadow of a leg. He immediately covered his face with the blanket which had a hole near his left eye. The door slowly opened with a cracking sound. The sight which he saw was unbelievable. It seemed his heart had come into his mouth. The sweat was running from his head to toe. He saw that there was huge black figure with only one left leg.

His hands were crooked. The figure’s head was severely tilted towards the right. Then the black figure ran into their child’s room. Sunil ran behind the figure, but the figure had already out of the window and had vanished. He kept on thinking that where had the figure gone after jumping from the thirteenth floor. It was a bad night for him. The next day he took a leave from the office. The whole he just lying on the bed drinking various kinds vegetable soups and eating fruits. But the fever was not ready to get off his head. The night had finally arrived. His wife and

his child ate the food, but only he was drinking soups. They all were going to the bed. He had told about all the things that happened last night to his wife. This night he receives a phone call. He picks it up the call which had a profile name, “Unknown”. The person on the opposite side was saying that he knows everything about his family his child’s school, his office, his flat number and even his account balance. His last words were, “God save you”.

The phone calls started coming every day. He had filed a complaint in the police, but he found out that the phone calls were made from different booths. This continued for weeks and months. But suddenly it stopped. He thought that the person has now paused doing the same. Then he gets some relief. Then he plans a weekend trip to Sun and Sand resort. He thought spending a weekend with his family will also make him happy. They all had a gala time over there. Then they all returned home. One day when he was returning from his office on his bike he received a phone call, he picked it up it was the same person. This time he gave him a good one. Then the person asked, “Are you on galaxy road”. This appeared strange because Sunil was on galaxy road. He also asked, “How do you know?” Then the person gave a very disturbing laugh. He also said, “Just look behind”.

He just looked in the mirror there was a person seating just behind him. But when he turned behind he saw nothing. He again looked in the mirror he saw that he was wearing torn clothes. But this time when he saw behind he saw that a man really was smiling with is mouth wide open at him as if his lips were hung to screws. He lost control on his bike and met with very dangerous accident at the bus stop. He was immediately hospitalised by the locals. He was in the ICU for three days. He had lost his right leg. He was kept in observation for nearly two months. He thinks that the night story, the phone call and the accident could not be a co-incidence. Then he remembers that he had met with an accident two years back in which a beggar died near the same bus stop. He felt very sorry for that beggar. He somehow found that the beggar had two children. He helped them in all the areas. Thereafter they all led a happy life.

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