Rashmi Nair



Rashmi Nair


Ringing Bell

Ringing Bell

3 mins

             Nirmala's mother-in-law Gajrabai was a very strange woman. From morning to evening she was repeating God’s name. But her day started with a complaint against her daughter-in-law. As soon as she woke up she said, "Oh, it is five o'clock, don’t know whether Nirmala got up or not? now I will have to do everything." While grumbling she, went to bathe . She got hot water, towel, clothes and everything ready. Then came out the muttering "Oh !God, don’t know whether tea is made or else I will have to go and make it." But when she reached the room, hot tea was ready at the table in front of her bed. After this she would worry about worshiping, saying " Oh it is time for worship but when she entered at pooja room , Nirmala had kept Pooja material ready. Everything would be ready as usual but she had a bad habit of mumbling.

After completing all the household work. Nirmala had to get ready to travel a long way every day and went to her work after getting hits in trains. Before that breakfast and midday meal were also prepared by her. Gajrabai used to gossip with the neighbours all day. There was nothing to do for her or else sit down with the garland of Rambam. She spent most of the time in the temple and join Bhajan-Kirtan group. She never paid any attention at home or in household works . She felt When daughter-in-law is there at home, why should I work?

It would be evening to return to Nirmala. Gajarabai was lying on the bed with an excuse for some pain. Initially, Nirmal seemed to be true but within a few days she came to know that she was pretending to be sick. But her son was very supportive to her. He was considering his mother like  Goddess.

.       Every evening Nirmala was overburdened carrying with all the daily needs While returning home. After reaching home without wasting a moment, she used to be busy in work from the preparation of tea to preparing the whole food, after feeding the moth

er-in-law and husband, cleaning the cloth utensils, fours, etc. She could eat some food at late hour . She had to keep his clothes ironed ready everyday.   Then she could sleep and woke at Five a.m. early in the morning. On Sundays and holidays, She had rest from the office and the journey. . But She was not the leisure of the household work or get any rest. On the other hand, the dictatorship of mother-in-law would also continue. The atmosphere of the house was always spoiled, the husband used to go somewhere with his friends to escape from it, and Nirmala would remain suffocated here in the turbulent environment. Husband was not worried about her.  

Everyday work was being done on its own. Everything was getting ready at hand. What else does he need? He was very happy while all his work was being done. Her husband went out as usual, at eleven and a half hours. On a Sunday Nirmala woke up late due to sleeping very late at night.. But Gajrabai was restless. 

The mother-in-law started like a non-stop ringing bell. She started fighting. Nirmala also lost her temper when the limits crossed She got angry as well. The mother-in-law pushed her and collided with the wall and she fell. The Kusum didi of neighbour came after hearing the noise. Nirmala was  fainted when Kusumdidi saw her. She brought her to senses by hitting some drops of water. Fired to mother-in-law left and right. Then she took Nirmala to the doctor.

When she regained consciousness, she was afraid to go to her in-laws' house. But all her belongings were there. So I had to go back.     Upon returning home, she saw the mother-in-law sleeping deeply in her room. The husband had not returned home yet. She packs up all her belongings and escapes from the mother-in-law and the hatchet. When her husband returned home in the evening, her mother-in-law said to her son, "Your wife ran away." Hearing, he said "Well, I was going to kick her out of the house today, don't worry, mother, I will bring a better daughter-in-law for you"

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