Post Mortem
Post Mortem

Doctor Alfred is a pathologist,( doctors who specialize in medical diagnosis), his duty is to examine body….more precisely dead body, which comes to him after a patient gets died in hospital, or any criminal shot dead by cops, stray dead bodies or body, who’s death would suspicious, comes to the doctor Alfred.
Kenny, who is 22- years- old, is a son of doctor Alfred, after completing his study comes to his father and helps him by handling the tools to her father, during post mortem.
One night a dead body of a 16-year-old girl, who is found inside the almirah, and by police or investigation point of view, her death is found to be suspicious of primary investigation.
Doctor Alfred decided that he will be doing post mortem of that girl during night time and also called his son Kenny to form the same and he also assists him.
After dinner, both son and father are present in the morgue, and doctor Alfred started examining her f
ile, which is given by the police to him. After reading the file he examines the body morphologically, to find any scar over the body, but he doesn’t find anything and with the help of the scalpel he put an incision on the dead body and suddenly blood ooze out from it, as it feels like a liquid…he said to his son that wash all the blood and handed the forcip, then he slowly remove the skin on the ribs and suddenly from the numerous flies come our as they were packed beneath the skin befor….flikering of light stat and the dead body start moving it seems that it gets life from somewhere…..she is possessed by a demon… soon as doctor Alfred and Kenny see this, they run towards the door but the door close suddenly as they go out…and from the behind a wire chocked them and they both are dead…
In the morning, news spread everywhere that doctor Alfred and his son Kenny found dead in morgue and the body of 16-year-old girl disappeared suspiciously…