astha singhal

Drama Others


astha singhal

Drama Others

My Bro

My Bro

6 mins

" Mom why did you brought him in our lives. Were you not just happy with me." used to be my question everytime I use to fight with my brother. And his reply to this question used to leave me irritated,

" Because mom loves me more than you."

My relationship with my brother had always been a roller coaster ride. Sometimes we used to fight like the third world war is just round the corner. And sometimes we used to gel together like no one can pull us apart.

There have been a lot of instances where we both had helped each other, hid each other's secrets from our parents and took a stand for each other in front of the family. 

I remember when we were quite young, dad got a bicycle for my brother. Though I had no plans to learn how to ride a bicycle but I got a little jealous of him. I started making plans of how to get rid of his bicycle. When mom used to ask me to go to the market I use to tell her to send my brother as he can ride and get things faster. Well my luck paved my way as my mom liked my idea. Now she used to send him everywhere. To the nearer markets and to the far off markets. For few days my brother enjoyed getting groceries for home but then it used to happen everyday. This was affecting his studies as well. He got sick and tired of doing this and told dad to sell off his bicycle as he is not enjoying it anymore. 

Well, this did satisfy my big fat ego but then I could not see him dispirited. I went to him and told him what I had done. He got furious and annoyed with me. He didn't talk to me for 2 days. 

Then one Sunday morning he woke me up early and took me downstairs.

" Why the hell have you got me here. Its Sunday bro."

" I know. I want to teach you to ride our bicycle. I am so sorry. Actually I was at fault. I didn't offer you my bicycle even once. I thought what would you do when you don't know how to ride. But I forgot that I could have taught you." 

"Why are you saying sorry bro. I should be sorry for plotting such a stupid idea."

" Okay...we both are sorry. Come I will teach you from today onwards." 

For one hour he took my class. I was bad at it but he was adamant that he will teach me one day.

When mom came to know about it. She was not happy. As she was very overprotective about me. She wanted to save me from getting hurt. She scolded my brother for letting me ride.

" Mom stop overthinking. Its important for everyone to learn how to ride a bicycle. In near future how will she ride a scooty if she doesn't know how to ride a bicycle." My brother argued with my mother.

" But what if she gets hurt. You know girls don't look good if they get any permanent scar on their face." My mom explained him her concern.

" Mom you are living in which world? Okay....tell me ...when you teach her how to cook food , is the risk of getting burnt not there? Or is she a supergirl who will learn cooking without a single burn on her hands? Everything when learnt requires a little bit of risk. But that doesn't mean we will stop learning."

Oh my God. My small sweet and innocent brother had suddenly grown up. I loved the way he was arguing with mom for my rights. I was sure that in near future when ever I will need support or somebody to stand for me it's always going to be my brother.

Well mom gave us permission and my classes started with him. One bad day I fell from the bicycle and got a severe cut on my hands. He was in tears. But he had to protect me from mom. So he gathered courage and managed to take me inside my room without coming in front of my mom's eyes.

He did all the dressing as we could not got to our family doctor. Because he would certainly tell our parents about my injury. For 5 continuous days he did my dressing. In these five days he didn't let me do anything from that hand. He helped mom in kitchen and did my homeworks as well.

Then when I recovered we started again .

And to my surprise it took only two more days to learn bicycle ride properly. When I was confident of riding on road he called mom - dad and showed them my ride. He was felling extremely proud of me. And I was wondering that is he my same brother who fights on every thing and anything with me.

That day I realised that how blessed I was to have him in my life. Though I had a lot of friends but he will remain my true friend through out my life. He will stand by me when I will fall and he will pray for me when I would need prayers the most.

When I got married he showed me that he was very happy. " Finally you will go and the room will be mine now."

But as the wedding date approached I saw a drastic change in him. He had stopped fighting with me. He didn't criticized my cooked food. Gave me more liberty in my room. When I asked him what had happened to him he said,

" Nothing sis, just trying to make you feel good. After all it's all going to be mine very soon." 

I knew he was lying to me. As his words were not complimenting his eyes. I could read his eyes. They were saying,' Sis I will miss you.'

On my wedding day he and me both were very busy so we could not talk even once. When I got ready in the parlour I thought he would come to pick me up but he sent his friend. I was very angry on him. I wanted to sit and talk to him.

In the wedding hall I barely saw him once or twice on stage. He was just rushing here and there and making all necessary arrangements. When I was about to leave I could see my entire family there but he was missing. Everybody was crying but my eyes were searching him.

When I was told to sit in the car I refused.

" I will not go without meeting my brother. Call him now." I shouted while crying.

Every one started searching him. Then my cousin spotted him sitting in the corner and crying . He told him everything. My brother came to bid me good bye. We both hugged each other and cried a lot. 

" Sis... remember one thing. I will always be with you whenever you need me. I will miss you a lot." He said while whipping my tears.

" I will miss you the entire room is yours ...happy." I said.

" That room will never be the same without you. It's our room and will always remain the way you have left it." He said with tears in his eyes.

I left the wedding place in tears but also with satisfaction that my brother has grown up and has become responsible enough to take care of our parents in my absence.

Every sibling has their own love hate relationship but at the end it's all about loving each other.

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