Vidit Mahajan

Drama Romance Tragedy


Vidit Mahajan

Drama Romance Tragedy

Lover Of The Moon (Prompt 28)

Lover Of The Moon (Prompt 28)

4 mins

He sat there on the highest of rooftops he could find, gazing at her with his love filled eyes. There she was shining in her magnificent glow, beaming with joy at seeing her lover, her soulmate, who was far away and yet she could sense his excitement, his nervousness, his anticipation and his fear. He sat with his knees bent upwards, supporting his arms. His face was an illustration of a jilted lover, a passionate one though, who knew he could never aspire to be one with her and yet like every night, he waited on the rooftop to get a glimpse of her. Of all the epic love stories she had heard over millennia, this one involving her and Adam had no match.

What should she say? How should she start? She had come, as promised, in her entirety. Nothing was hidden from Adam. Nothing could ever be. Oh! I am a goddess, she thought, kicking herself. Why this hesitation? She felt a chill rise through her body, circling her entire existence. He was incorrigible. He knew she could not handle her excitement of meeting him. He was goading her to speak first. Well! She would not. Oh! This is too hard.

Adam spoke first. ‘You look stunning, my darling.’

His voice had not changed over the years. It still had a mesmerizing effect on her. She loses all sense of herself hearing his dreamy voice, always. She wanted to fall down from the sky and into his arms. His strong, big arms. She could just hide from her father, never again returning to this awful life. She wanted to be normal. She wanted to be his. She wanted to make him, hers. All she wanted was to spend eternity with Adam. Was it too much to ask?

The moon blinked once, intensifying her illumination to let him know that she had heard her.

‘Why are you quiet today? Have I done something to upset you?’ Adam asked.

‘Your dedication upsets me. Your love makes me jittery. You know we can’t be together. Why do you suffer like this?’ The moon replied. It was not what she wanted to say. She loved him, truly. She couldn’t comprehend why those words had been spoken.

Adam smiled. ‘Show me one lover who has not suffered, darling. Our love story has not yet reached its culmination. We will be together. I will wait till the end of this world and after too, if I have to. I know we will be one.’

The moon hid herself behind a passing cloud. A sob escaped her. She hid her tears behind her, to the dark side. As the cloud waved through, she regained her composure.

‘Tell me, son of God,’ the moon said, ‘why do you wish to make me miserable? I suffer too. I can’t bear the di

stance between us. Since the inception of this world, we have waited. I can’t wait any longer.’ With that the moon burst into tears. Her glow diminished. 

Adam stood up hastily. He gathered his seven stringed lute, an ancient instrument and yet he found that its magical sound could not be replicated in any other. He cleared his throat and began to sing.

They tell me it’s easy to lust,

Much easier than it is to love,

Ohh! They don’t know the half of it,

How hard it’s been to find that one well fitting glove

The moon laughed. Adam laughed with her. 

Ask me, I say, and call them around,

Ask me how it is when your soul begins to hound,

They stammer, they mutter, and all ask at once,

How stupid are you? Are you bunce?

Oh! You don’t know how it feels,

When you find the one,

The itch in your heart,

Leaves you wishing you had a gun

I’ve found her, I say,

More beautiful than all the dames,

Her light shines like diamonds, her breath smells insane,

You might know her by many names, to me she’s my love, my honey, my flame

They call her the damsel, 

They call her a God,

To me though, she’s an angel,

My sexy, nympho broad

‘So subtle and classy!’ The moon chided. Adam began to answer but did not want to break his flow.

I’ve followed her for decades,

Always a step behind,

She watches her back, 

Waits for her lover to find

Twice in a month,

She comes down to meet me,

Those nights, we spend in each others arms,

Making love, feeling free

Her father’s curse beckons her back,

He always keeps a track,

I wish the world would end, I wish all to die,

I have waited eternity for her, now, our convergence is nigh.

The moon blew kisses to her lover. Adam felt the wind brush his cheeks gently, keeping a bit of those kisses for itself.

‘Alas, my love! It’s time to go. Our father has already begun his ascent.’ the moon said, unable to keep the desolation from her voice.

‘I’ll be here tomorrow, my darling, my true love. Another fortnight to kill and we’ll be in each other’s arms.’ Adam rubbed his face, wiping off a tear.

The moon flew out of sight as the sun came up.

He burned the world with his heat and flared. He glared at Adam and repeated his curse. Adam, as usual, ignored him and went about his merry way thinking back to the night he spent.

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