Vidit Mahajan

Children Stories Drama Inspirational


Vidit Mahajan

Children Stories Drama Inspirational

Mango Tree (Prompt 31)

Mango Tree (Prompt 31)

3 mins

Rajesh walked into his tiny hut after a particularly tiring day at the farm. He fished in his shirt pocket and took out some of the spare coins and put them in a jar. The jar contained a small sapling and was covered with soil and dirt at the bottom. The coins clinked on the glass as they fell. He fished out some coins from his trousers and put them in the glass as well. His five year old son, Ujwal, watched him intently. His father saw the awestruck look on Ujwal’s face and smiled. He raised his eyebrows questioning Ujwal’s thoughts and Ujwal only shook his head.

After freshening up, Rajesh came and sat near his son. Ujwal put away his books and stared purposefully at his father.

‘What is it? Will you tell me?’ Rajesh asked, tired of his son's looks.

‘What do you put money in the mud?’ Ujawal asked, a bit hesitatingly afraid he might be laughed at or shouted at.

His father chuckled. ‘Don’t you see what’s growing out of the mud?’

Ujwal bobbed his head. ‘A plant?’ He asked, but was sure he had answered correctly.

‘Not just any plant. It’s a mango plant.’

‘But why put money in a jar with a plant? Won’t the money get dirty? Are you offering it to the plant, so that it grows and doesn’t die?’ Ujwal rattled his father with the questions.

Rajesh chuckled a bit louder this time around. ‘It’s not an oblation, son. The jar is for collecting the leftover money at the end of the day. It is what constitutes our savings.’

‘But why not let the money be in your pocket? Is it not safe there?’

‘It’s not a matter of safety. I keep it in the jar to save it so that one day I can use this money to fulfil my dream.’

‘Aren’t you too old to have dreams?’ Ujwal asked innocently.

Rajesh laughed. ‘Even old p

eople have dreams.’

‘What is your dream then, papa?’

‘To own a farm one day. And to grow mango trees.’

‘But why mango?’

‘Well firstly because mangoes are the pride of the nation. They are a great fruit, sweet and juicy and liked by all. The mango fruit also cures diseases. It helps prevent anemia, improves digestion, benefits the eyes and heart, boosts immunity.’

‘Wow! I didn’t know that.’ Ujwal said, amazed.

‘That’s only the fruit, son. The bark, the gum, the sap and the seed all have many uses. It lives on for more than a hundred years, never dries up, and doesn't need to be cared for a lot.’

Ujwal nodded. ‘But papa, I still don’t understand why you keep money in the jar along with the mango plant?’

‘It keeps reminding me of my dream, son. The dream I have dreamt for all of us. For our future and our prosperity. I save the money in the jar to inspire myself. My thoughts keep returning to my dream. In Spite of the difficulties I face throughout the day, as soon as I come home and glance at the small sapling, I feel motivated again. I am reminded of my purpose. It is to grow mango trees and provide a comfortable life to my family.’

‘What do you think will happen once you achieve your dream?’ Ujwal asked.

‘Once we manage to grow the mango trees, you mean?’

Ujwal nodded.

‘Ohh, son!’ Rajesh beamed. He was looking up at the ceiling, imagining his future. ‘Imagine having trees which disburse wealth. Instead of leaves, money grows on them. Are you able to comprehend, son? We will be rich. We’ll want for nothing.’

 Rajesh smiled at his son. It was not everyday a father shared his dreams with his son. From that day onwards, Ujwal shared his father’s dreams.

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