Deepak Ramnani



Deepak Ramnani


Love You Mom

Love You Mom

1 min

I always thought that I will get a girl who understands me like my mother. However, I have realized that there can be no one who understands me like my mother. I don't call her often. But she always calls me every 2-3 days. When it comes to others, ego comes in between. A girl, in this case, might think "How can I call him if he has not called me?" The real reason for this is that the love from my mother is unconditional. It is not dependent on anything. And that is called true love.

I still remember once in childhood, I had a cut in my head after I fell from somewhere. My mother rushed me to the hospital and she was so tensed. Only when the doctor said there is no need of stitches, she had a sigh of relief.

I always thought that I don't need to say I Love You to my mother as she always knows it. However, today I realized that by saying it I actually felt so happy. Let's all promise that we will always express our love to our mothers by saying "Love You Mom"

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