Sunita Choudhury

Drama Tragedy


Sunita Choudhury

Drama Tragedy

Love: A beautiful lie

Love: A beautiful lie

4 mins

This story is about a girl residing in West Bengal. She was a girl who was beautiful from outside as well as from her heart. Her name was Diya Rai. A 9th standard student of a convent school. She was a charming and a fun-loving girl often doing Masti with her besties. Diya has two close friends of her. One was Anisha and the other one was Priyanka. These three friends use to stay in one group.

All was going good in her life. When one day she noticed that one guy was following her while she was coming back from her tuition but she ignored him. Next day while she was coming back from her tuition, the same thing happened again. Finally, she understood that the guy likes her. That guy's friends used to request to talk to that guy, His name was Ravi. One day Diya talked with Ravi over the phone. She felt good while talking to him. So she decided to talk with him the next day also. And this continued for a month. Finally Ravi proposed Diya and she also accepted his proposal.

After that everything was going well. Everything was just like a dream, there was everything in the relationship which a typical relationship should have- love, romance, caring, quarreling and possessiveness. Everything was going awesome until the day when Diya's parents came to know about their relationship.

Diya belongs to a high class Rajput family while Ravi belongs to a low caste. When her parents got to know about their relationship they strictly told her not to keep any contact with that guy. But Diya was so much in love with Ravi that she never obeyed her parents. After getting so much scolding from her parents she still used to keep contact with Ravi.

Diya's parents finally decided to find out who's that guy? What's his background? When they got to know about Ravi they were shocked. They got to know that he was a cheater. Before that, he had cheated many other innocent girls. His family background was also not good.

So finally Diya's mother decided to say everything to her daughter. She called Diya and said her everything but unfortunately she was completely mad in love with Ravi so she didn't believe her mum. When Diya's parents realised that her daughter was not going to stop so her father finally decided to talk to Ravi. When he talked with Ravi, he completely denied not to keep any type of contact with Diya with so much Audacity.

At last her father decided to kill Ravi. When he was up to do that, Diya requested her father not to kill Ravi. She said she will do everything that her parents want. But not to do any type of harm to Ravi. Her father said to Diya,"ok I will not do any type of harm to Ravi but you have to go Chandigarh for your further studies after class 10. You will not stay here. " Diya agreed.

After class 10 she left for Chandigarh for her further studies. After reaching Chandigarh she used to keep contact with Ravi and with her best friend Anisha via phone. one day Anisha got to know that Ravi was in relationship with another girl at the same time when he was in relationship with Diya. He was in physical relationship with that girl, made her pregnant, forced her to abort the child giving her some unprescribed medicine. After taking those medicines, the girl suffered from excessive bleeding and finally she was hospitalized. When she was asked by her parents who was the guy you were in relationship with, she said"Ravi", Her parents asked Ravi about all the things, he was found to be guilty. Ravi apologize for his mistake.

Anisha decided to inform everything to Diya. So she called her next day and said her everything. After hearing such heartbroken things, Diya was completely shattered. Cried continuously for couple of days. She stopped contacting Ravi.

Finally she returned Kolkata after completing her studies. By that time she had already overcome the trauma of her life. She was happy again. One day when she was preparing to sleep at night, her phone rang with an unknown number. She receive the call;

Diya; hello? Who's this?

Other side: Hi Diya! I am Ravi.

Diya: Ravi? How dare you? Why have you called me?

Ravi: Diya! I am sorry. please forgive me. please give me another chance. I really love you.

Diya: Love? Actually, you don't know the meaning of love. You just know how to play with the feelings of other girls.

Ravi: please Diya, please forgive me. . please

Diya: No, I can't. once a cheater is always a cheater. and I can't give you another chance to hurt me again. Never ever call me. Bye.

Diya hangs down the phone and puts ravi's number in block list. She thought her parents was so right and she was so much wrong. That day she realised that parents love their children the most. That day Diya slept with a smile on her face and with a burden free mind.


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