Radha Prathi

Drama Horror Inspirational


Radha Prathi

Drama Horror Inspirational

Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment

2 mins

A tale from the Panchatantra speaks about the dangers of being in the saving mode all the time.

Once a hunter shot a wild boar, the wounded animal pounced on him and ripped his flesh apart. The agonized hunter was shocked to death by the boar before it breathed its last. A jackal which was passing by was beside himself with joy when he saw the corpses of the wild boar and the hunter. He realised that he need not go around scavenging for food for several days to come. He circled his newfound treasure and saw the bloodstained bow. He decided to save the bulk of meat for future. He proceeded to lick the life fluid off the bow and in the process triggered the arrow that was ready to be shot, right into his open mouth. Almost immediately, the jackal fell dead beside his feast. The jackal died in his earnest bid to save the best for the coming days.


Those of us who are at least a couple of decades old must have realised that the precious moment that we have been waiting for may have come, but we may not have always had the time or the mind space to dig into our paraphernalia and fish out what had been saved for the red lettered day. It is also quite possible that our prized possession may not really rise to the occasion or we may have come across a better and a more contemporary and practical substitute to the stowed away goodies.

While it is pragmatic to save for a rainy day, it will do us a world of good to overcome our magpie syndrome and live each day to the fullest. It is said that yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery but today is the present. It is impossible to discount the valuable content of the saying. So we can do well by living in the moment!

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