Janki Hemani



Janki Hemani


Life After Coronavirus

Life After Coronavirus

2 mins

Before I write about where I see myself one year from now I would like to tell you a little about myself as I am at present. My life is a bit off the track for the time being. My husband and I shifted from Oman to India this year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are still in the process of getting settled in Mumbai. As things are progressing very slowly at the moment, we don't have any fixed employment right now. My daughter is 16 months old and is hyperactive, which makes parenting even more difficult. We are waiting for the situation to improve so we can settle in our own house. I have been blogging consistently for Momspresso for more than a year yet my rank and viewership have suffered after the lockdown. My parents have booked an apartment for which they are awaiting possession. I am extremely overweight and my body is suffering from exhaustion, fatigue and pain.

This is my present as of 25 March 2020.

This is how I see myself on 25 March 2021:

1. Post Coronavirus, the job market will open. My husband will start his own business or work at a place where he is valued.

2. If in India, my legal practice as a criminal lawyer would have at least commenced.

3. My daughter will be potty trained. She will be in playschool or nursery. She will stop shouting as much as she does now.

4. My breastfeeding journey will be over. This means my daughter will sleep through the night which will give me enough room to rest and finish my daily chores.

5. Even if I don't lose weight, I would have started taking some steps towards my fitness by doing yoga or a gym workout and eating healthy.

6. My parents would have moved to their new house.

7. My husband and I would start living in a place that is convenient and comfortable for us.

8. I will be one of the top 5 bloggers on Momspresso with 100 plus followers.

9. My book will be published.

10. Last but not the least, my family's well being and health will be good. They will be physically fit and mentally peaceful.

My life looks pretty good one year from now because I am not a quitter. Thinking about the future positively gives hope to get through a difficult present. What's your future looking like? Please share your thoughts on the comments section below. If you enjoy my stories then please like, share and follow me.

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