Let's Take A Selfie
Let's Take A Selfie

Aditi was a young girl fond of taking selfies. She would dress up each day and take a selfie every chance she got. Her Instagram was filled with her social life. However, she never got along too well with her mother Tanisha. Tanisha loved her daughter a lot but was too protective of her as Aditi was a free-spirited girl and she took things too casually.
One day, Aditi was going through her childhood photos to post her photo with her parents for an Instagram challenge. She searched all her photos but couldn't find any photo with all thre
e of them together. In fact, most of her photos were with her father. She asked her mother why she didn't get her photos clicked when she was young. She smiled and said, "There were no selfie's at that time so one of us had to click the photo and your father loved to get photographed so I used to click the photos" Aditi realized that even though clicking photos has been so easy for her and she posted so many photos on her Instagram, she never actually took a photo with her mother. She went to her mother and said to her with a smile "Let's take a selfie"