Silver_Moon_ 24

Thriller Others


Silver_Moon_ 24

Thriller Others

It Can't Be Real

It Can't Be Real

5 mins

"we're going dear, lock the gate, stay away from gas, and don't lean against the railing of the balcony, or else you'll fall.", Said mom while taking her bag and moving towards me.

She was going for her book inauguration by her literature crew in Mathura that was approximately 155km away from Ghaziabad and that would 3 hours to reach there…

The last time when my mom went there with my dad and my sister Nia, it took them 1 whole day over there and I was alone at home and this time the same thing was going to happen.

I locked the door and looked back, the whole house was empty, and I was all alone. Somehow, I just passed my whole morning.

I know that it's a very stupid thing to be home alone and your whole family is out having fun…

But it was fun for them not for me cause they all like reading books, writing stories and poems, etc. but I don't like that stuff so, I would never go there with them to get bored…

It was around 1 pm and I was very, very, very bored so, I just started looking out for any movie that I could watch. I found a movie that too a horror one!!!

I started watching the same, its story was- A new mall was opened in Lindora city and it was the inauguration event of the mall. A son along with his mother went there, unfortunately, the son got separated from his mother. Through the lift, he reached the top floor of the mall. That floor was a little strange, creepy, and dark. In the center, if we see down through the railings, we could see a huge X-Mas tree. The child got afraid, suddenly he heard a cracking voice of an old man. He noticed at his left, an old man who was tied up with ropes. The man asked, "Child, please open these ropes. They are hurting me." The child was innocent, he loosened the ropes to free him. The man said, "You saved me, come I will leave you at your home." The child went along with him. While walking he realized that he was in the middle of a jungle and in front was a big brown hut! The man took him in and offered him some water. When the boy refused, the man took an axe and killed the child. I was frightened! And the movie ended.

I thought, what rubbish this movie was and what kinda stuff this movie displayed? Then my phone rang, I picked it, it was my mom. She asked "Dear, please can you bring me the stuff whose list I had sent you? It's urgent and I'll be needing it soon." I agreed.

But when I reached the market, all the marts were closed. The Symphony mart, mascot mart, Gen-X mart as well as the Wellington Mart was closed. Only Ocean Arcade mall was open. I told my mom, she suggested me to cycle down to the mall.

I went there and got all the stuff and entered the lift to reach the billing counter on the ground floor. But as soon as I pressed the key to the ground floor, the lift started moving upwards, it amazed me! And I reached the top floor.

When I looked back, the lift was gone. Then suddenly I realized that it was exactly the same place as I saw in the movie, which I saw today. Suddenly I heard a cracking voice of an old man, calling me, "Child, please save me and open my ropes." I looked to my left, saw an old man with injuries all over his body, torn clothes, and brutally tied with ropes. I got frightened and ran as fast as I could with my eyes closed.

 After a while when I opened my eyes and looked behind to see whether I could get away from the man or not I realized that I was at the same place from where I started running. When I looked back for the man he was not at his place. As I turned back, I saw him in front of my eyes. He again pleaded, "Child, please open my ropes." This time I pity him, and I opened his ropes to set him free. He thanked me a lot.

He said, "Come, I will leave you at your place." But I refused, I had the intuition that the movie story was repeating in my practical life. But he forced me to accompany him and took me with him to his small dark, brown hut. He said, "This is my home child, first take some rest and then I will leave you at your home."

When we entered his hut, I saw that the interiors of the hut were completely different from that of the movie. It had hundreds of spider webs; water was continuously leaked from the tap. Then he offered me tea and as expected, I refused the same. Then, the old fogey took an axe and started coming towards me. "Oh Noo! What have you done Mia? He will kill you now!!!" I said to myself in distress.

Came with his big axe, I closed my eyes in terror. After some time, I opened my eyes and could find him nowhere. From nowhere, I felt a hand on my shoulder, as soon as I looked back the crazy old man was standing with horrified expressions with his axe in his hand. He hit me hard on my head.

The next morning, when I woke up, still in that creepy hut, I could hear police officers talking and trying to understand the scenario. It was something, that enlightened me and gave me hope that I could somehow get out of this place. I held one of the officers hard, trying to explain what exactly happened to me last night. But none of the officers was bothered to listen to me. They started to gather at a corner of the hut. I too went there out of curiosity. What I saw was not something that I could believe. I saw 'ME', my dead body lying out there. I was startled.

I just could not digest it and then I heard the too LOUD and SHARP beep of sound. It was my morning alarm, 6:35 a.m. in the morning. Fortunately, it was a dream and I was not dead anymore..!

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