I Am A Girl!
I Am A Girl!

Fuddled by the title ha? It is almost every day I hear this that I am a girl - My Answer - Yes I know this! The cliched topic isn't it? Well, Yes.
If you are going just a little out of the way not doing what a girl is supposed to do (example a sports Coach in the game of cricket !), eyebrows are raised and questioned are asked - You are a girl - you are not ... I better not complete the sentence!
Let's get some perspective on this - So... lemme take you to a training room where a room full of people of both genders are sitting and are being taught how to give a presentation. Miss Anita goes up and starts her presentation on Cooking Skills - Any guesses what she said ???? She said, " This is mainly for the ladies sitting in the room." As far as I know, cooking skills are the basic skills which irrespective of a girl or a boy, one must learn to survive. Then why do we need to relate this activity to only women ? Why? Sometimes I feel it is the Women which you know has built this culture and relate to activities like cooking plus chores as an activity to be performed by onl
y women and men are to sit and earn and just chill.
To the men out there nothing against you pal but it is the circumstances which make us as girls be in a position where we need to explain always and you are a sandwich between the sister or the mother or the girlfriend or the wife.
I would say let us be in a world of equals no ones higher no ones lesser! And there be no stereotypes.
To all who think women are specialized to one particular genre of work - umm .. perhaps - yes! As we hear we are born with some traits which make us what we are but as time has passed we have evolved and along with the basic version of us as women we have got many updates to our basic version and are relevant to today's time! So we are as good as men in all the walks of life!
I'm sure this is the story of many girls out there and you may agree with what I just said. If your answer is a Yes, next time someone says you are a girl - Just say, "I am version 2.0 - No less than a boy !"
Let us embrace and celebrate us!
Your thoughts?