Happiness In Small Things 3
Happiness In Small Things 3

One day I got a call from my aunt. She said, "are you coming home today?"I replied, "yes I'm coming". She told me to take something from Chandigarh. I said ok. I went to a specific place. I parked car on the road, just received that thing and came back to the car and I found due to wrong parking I got a challan of Rs. 500/-. I gave her the specific thing but never mentioned her about challan.
After some months, due to some emergency, I was in Chandigarh on my job. Her son takes my family somewhere by car. Due to emergency papa forgot to ask him to fill petrol. They came from the specific place. As 1 day passed, she came to home asked my mother: "you didn't give Rs 400/- against petrol to my son." As my mother told me the same I gave her money to give her and I smiled and just said: "Krishna bless her".