Football Match
Football Match

As the dark clouds of failure clouded the whole sky, there were chants of thousands of people reciprocating "we are getting promoted " continuously on one side of the pitch and the other side heartbroken and in tears. Hard fought match was finally at its end, the men in white wanted a goal to level things and their fans were praying for a miracle. Emotions were running high with each drive of the ball towards goal. And finally, the whistle was blown people at one end laughing and crying in joy, and the other end sad and crying heartbroken. The players in white were in tears bowing their heads down and the players in brown looking up smiling.
As it slowly rained the green grass in the pitch made the raindrop glisten like diamonds. Slowly people left the stands. As the sky turned black with small stars of hope showed up in the
pitch-black sky, a man around 20 years old in white jersey with his used up boots stepped into the ground with a football in his hand. Placed it in the kick-off spot, looking at the goal, took the ball towards the goal and shot it right in, and looked at the stance and did the goal celebration with a smile. "Do it with real fans looking at you next time," said the captain of the white team with others looking at him from the dugout. He said, "let's do it together next time captain". His teammates and captain smiled. That was the beginning of the training season for men in white whose determination to win shined like the full moon in the dark sky. That moment I knew these guys are gonna bring back the glory days soon. I slowly walked into the shadows, back to heaven with a smile even after that loss knowing that we'll live to fight another day.