Speed of time, knowledge at the right time, ability to do things, family affection, adventure, and... Speed of time, knowledge at the right time, ability to do things, family affec...
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something po... Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and alw...
The author believes that a life without an ego can lead to a beautiful life The author believes that a life without an ego can lead to a beautiful life
The story shows we should not let our past affect us. The story shows we should not let our past affect us.
We live in a world where we meet different people with a different attitude.... We live in a world where we meet different people with a different attitude....
The story shows a boy falling in love with an arrogant girl in the school. The story shows a boy falling in love with an arrogant girl in the school.