Estate Agent - Part Two
Estate Agent - Part Two
Cont'd from Part one
Hiding his hands in the pockets and with a sagged posture Ajay drove his car back to office. When he reached the office, Ajay felt presence of Sonia lingering in the tiny room. He went into a deep reverie wherein he tried to relive their brief escapade. His mind was still debating the soliloquy of whether to find Sonia or to just forget the episode and move ahead. Mindlessly he picked up his telephone to find her whereabouts, but, besides the glass of cutting chai, he saw his family photograph. For a moment, his eyes were glued on the photo and again as randomly he had picked up the telephone, ditto, kept it down.
Few days passed and Ajay, though not forgotten, was trying to erase his connection with Sonia. Then came a mysterious call on Ajay's mobile. No one spoke from the other side. Yes it was a blank call. From a mobile though. It was Ajay's intuition that it was from Sonia. He was actually sure it was from Sonia. Ajay was surprised by her boldness.
"I can track her down. " He murmured. Many of Ajay's pals were in police and tracing destination of one mobile was peanuts for them. But something was holding him back.
'Why am I not able to do things as boldly as Sonia? 'He questioned himself and then glanced at his perfect family photograph. It was the love for his wife and his family. He knew that it could turn out to be a dangerous acquaintance. The secret linkage between them would disturb his family life.
At a later date, one stormy night, something dreadful happened. Ajay was having his dinner watching the news channel. The reporter said in the customary way of journalists:
""Breaking news, a young woman nam
ed Sonia Kapoor jumps from her plush apartment in Sector 6, Delhi. The woman is identified as Sonia Kapoor, ex-wife of the business tycoon Arjun Kapoor. Police have confirmed it as a suicide case as the women left a suicide note stating that her loneliness killed her. Lets see the excerpts of the note..........
'I can't take it anymore. I don't feel loved and wanted. My depression is making me suicidal and so I am responsible for my action. No one to be blamed. I am blaming my loneliness.'
Ajay was flabbergasted and he was unable to chew the rice stuffed inside his mouth. He looked at the television set in complete blankness. The sound of mobile tune jolted him. Ajay's wife made him aware of his mobile ringing. It was from his old estate agent buddy from Delhi.
Ajay picked up the phone and his friend immediately started the dialogue.
"Have you seen the news. That women Sonia Kapoor came to my office. She was looking for a new house. But I brushed aside the deal as she seemed a fancy lady. I turned down the contract." He was still panting for breath.
"Why you did you turn the deal? "Ajay questioned him sadly.
"It was futile, Ajay, it was a hopeless deal."
"Probably, it could have saved her life." Ajay said and kept the phone down without completing the conversation.
Somewhere in his heart, Ajay felt guilty. She just wanted a companion. A companion who could help overcome the loneliness of her life. But she was always perceived as a cheap women. Though her indecency always had decency. She never crossed her limits.
"What a women she was!!!! If I could have saved her. "Ajay thought grievously.