Don’t Make Personal Jokes On Social Media
Don’t Make Personal Jokes On Social Media
Life is incomplete without sarcasm, ridicule, and satire. These are also important in literature. Sometimes life gets boring without jokes. We like such types of friends who often make fun of others. They spread the laugh on the other face. It is needed in discussion, debate, lectures, sports, journeys, tours, excursions, and also in the classroom. Students like those teachers who know to break the monotonous in the classroom. When they feel lethargy in the classroom. These make us fresh to listen and make us laugh. During physical exercise, instructors create jokes to reduce physical exertion. And people always like these types of teachers and instructors.
Nothing will go smoothly without laughing. As we always like comedians in circuses and movies. But sarcasm, ridicule satire, and jokes should be reflected in a good manner.
Laughter is like medicine that must be applied with caution. Make it sure that you are laughing for yourself without targeting the people. A leader who is always miserable, unhappy, and frustrate
d is not at all fit to lead the organization anymore. It is found that some friends and acquaintances react and write oddly on Facebook. The learned men also do it.
Personal sarcasm, ridicule, satire, and jokes are to be avoided on social media platforms. We don’t know thoroughly about Digital Friends. We are associated with Facebook only. If anybody throws unparliamentary sarcasm, ridicule, satire, and jokes they feel very bad. It should be in our mind that whatever we write in it, the whole world will go through. Personal satire even from funny relatives is not accepted at all on social media. It could be entertained when we meet physically. Because they don’t stay on the fence of Decency……and…….Decorum leaves the wrong impression on them. That is why I would like to emphasize cultivating the gentlemanly gesture. It is better to project ourselves as the clowns so that nobody would get hurt. So never try to throw personal jokes on social media.
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