Shristi Singh

Drama Inspirational Others


Shristi Singh

Drama Inspirational Others



4 mins

How can someone be so bad, who will be rudely behave with students in his first class.

which teacher to such things that they impose their rules and regulations on the students in the class as soon as the first day arrives? 

According to me no teacher does this things in first day .so this story is about my SST teacher who come new to my coaching.

And on first day he became Hitler in the eye of all students . If someone did not bring a pencil or book he used to ask the student to stand in class and read the book .He teach new disciplins to everyone and if someone did not bring homework ,they would threaten them that they would not let them enter the the class.

He neither laugh himself not used to let anyone laugh in the class. I used to think when I saw him how can a person controll his laugh .

And a few days later SST test were done. In which I had very bad performance and then from that day I didn't like him at all.

He also use to talk only those people who got good marks in the test and after sometime then there was a little smile on his face, all the students like him but I neither understand him nor his teaching style. 

Because I have a flaw if I don't like a teacher then I don't like his teaching style and I don't even understand what he teach. 

And then I started feeling that he is the bad teacher that's why I can't understand anything. 

But everyone used to get very good marks in the class accept me that so, I started feeling that the deficiency is not in him but in me. 

And one day when the test happened, I got bad marks again but that day he called me and asked me why I get that marks. He also asked me that I don't understand his study? 

But I did not say anything. I like it because before that they no teacher had even asked me like this . He also told me to ask doubt anywhere I don't understand in any topic. 

And then I started understanding his studies and I also used to get better marks in SST . 

Then he used to give some topics in English and ask students to write stories on them. 

In the beginning I could not understand anything but gradually I also started writing. 

And one day I read his stories an

d poems and my perspective of seeing him changed. 

Now my respect towards him has reached pic. 

And I also thought how a person can be a writer and poet with studies. 

Then when I talk to him I feel that I should not judge him without knowing him. 

He very existed only on top but we had a very good heart. He always the supported the students to get good marks. 

He encourages a student who feels they can't do anything in their life and he also motivate demotivated a students. 

And for these reasons he has become my favourite . He used to be very friendly with all students now.

He not only improve a student's studies but also installed a lot of good thoughts in US. 

He taught us how to see the World. And always think well of people. 

We should always help everyone because of all these thoughts he became my favourite teacher. 

And because of him I got 5 certificates and many badges because of writing the stories and poem. I also got certificate of literature Lieutenant .

He changes the way I see the world. After seeing him I realise that one should not judge a person without knowing him.

And now I feel why he impose so many rules and regulations to us because he wanted our best. 

There are two faces behind of human good or bad, it depend on us that which face of that person do we see.

I always saw bad in him but never saw a good face in him but now I have realise how good he is. 

And he used to impose rules to us because he considered us his own. Because a person can scold only his own not alienated and when I come to know all these things than he become my favourite teacher. 

So this were his journey to turn from devil to angel. 

And if I can tell from my heart now he became favorite to all students.

I want to say a line to him as a thanks that:-

A good teacher is like a gardener he always wants to remove the thorns of negativity on us. By removeing those thorns, why should not the thorns pick their hands and hert him they can't react thank you so much to all teacher who bear so much pain by us. 

Thank you🙏. 

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