Defiant Travelers
Defiant Travelers

We, the innocent beings living in this brutal world. We, the decent mates, brought here by fate to this cruel world. We, the wonderful creatures, were tortured by this bestial world. And we, the people of the world, who blames our “Mother Earth” for giving us this graceless life.
The words which I mentioned above are not the verses of human beings. Because we did not dare to utter those words. You can blame me for daring to utter these words. The only thing which “we” can do is “blaming”, which we did for ages. “We” didn’t pronounce those words which I mentioned in the first paragraph. But we did everything without getting caught and at last, all were becoming victims once we met with a huge disaster. “We” didn’t do what we said, but we did what we didn’t say.
We, the “Temporary Travelers” had come to the earth for a 100 years visit. Once we began to realize that it’s a short span, we started to plant a permanent curse on this land in the name of development. Development affected many of “them”, who was living in both land and water. “They” suffered the most, unknowingly they swallowed plastics, during their starving period. “They” were the victims, they got stuck in the fishing nets. Some died inside the ocean and some died in the land. We got a point to blame again, we charged the “fate” and we escaped.
“Ozone layer is healing”, we heard that in the news. But soon it took revenge on us, it swallowed many acres
of land and consumed many of us. Many of us again filed a charge sheet against “it”. The blamer’s vision was narrow, hidden behind their personal bonds and they failed to realize the truth behind it. They cursed, because of their inability to punish “it”.
Nature has the theory as our body has its own thesis. Nature can heal by itself; “Ozone layer is healing…!”. “It” surprised me and came out to look at the sky to praise it. But I end up seeing a huge black smoke came out of the industry and I exhaled with frustration.
The big pandemic aroused in the world, we lost so many lives. Yet many of us survived on this battlefield fighting against our invisible enemy. Again, we end up blaming some of our mates. The thing now is blaming not seems to be a solution for our endless problems. A permanent solution is within us. Believing in something will make us wise, molds us, and carves us for our peaceful living.
We have been “Defiant travelers” for so many decades, it’s time for us to realize. The need now is not giving your next generation, a huge amount of assets, it's time now to give the future generation, a peaceful environment.
At least start teaching our next generation about the urgent need to save our “Planet Earth”.
“Gazing at the things we see, will have more effect, when it reaches to the greater eyes”.
Spread the awareness everywhere.
Happy reading….!