Day-4-The Story
Day-4-The Story

09:00 AM
SMS from Kiddo's school
Invitation to join Flintt
And the day 1st task was to complete the registration. Exploring the Flintt, I found a few interesting interactive stories. With all joy and surprise, my kiddo asked me to tell her a few and I picked "Is there anyone like me?" - Fun for my kiddo and quite a relatable as in my case the answer would be strictly Noooooo. A big Nooooo.
The story was all about how a Donkey tries to figure out whether is there someone, just like him or not? obviously No.
Then the story asks the readers to explore what things we can do which others can not and kind of a couple of questions. Interesting.
But all the trials whic
h that donkey went through are followed by us too. Something like, we always keep comparing ourselves with the ones whom we like or admire. I think a significant time is wasted in imitation of others. Forgetting that every individual is special, has his own identity, own skills.
Rarely we understand the difference, having a role model and following someone blindly. To get inspired by someone and to imitate someone.
We all need to grow, to evolve but not at the cost of losing our roots, losing our very own identity.
A garden without fallen leaves does not attract us and so as the Moon without the spots. Only a dream can be a perfect one. Otherwise, every life is full of imperfect moments.