Atanu Ranjan Tripathy

Drama Inspirational


Atanu Ranjan Tripathy

Drama Inspirational

Colours Of Life

Colours Of Life

3 mins

Manish has been a brilliant student all through his career. His parents also have dreamt of great things for him. His younger sister Neha remains busy chatting with her friends and hardly pays any attention to studies. Parents treat her as a liability not because she is a girl but because of her carefree lifestyle and insincere approach in life. Neha's friends often visit her. On most occasions for no valid reasons. Just to gossip and while away time. Manish becomes furious on so many occasions because Neha and her friends create a lot of noise and disturb him in his studies.

Life goes on and no change comes in Neha until the day when one of her friend Rizwi commits suicide. She was under a lot of mental stress because her parents have decided to stop her schooling since her negligent approach to studies. Her parents have two more daughters and can not spend hard-earned money on Rizwi who has been a total nuisance herself. Neha knew her from childhood and they were good friends. Neha suffers from depression and gets hospitalised.

After spending a week in the hospital when she meets her brother who didn't visit her once in the hospital, bursts into a cry. Manish finds it something unusual because she has never been emotional and never repented for her mistakes. Remorse has never been a word in Neha's dictionary. But that day, she was different from her normal shelf. Manish fails to understand the odd approach of his sister but doesn't react and says nothing.

Since that day there has been a complete transformation in Neha. She becomes more sincere not only in studies but also in every aspect of her life.

On the flip side of the story, Manish has been arrogant and Ill-tempered. His behaviour often hurts his friends and on occasions his teachers as well. One day his friends arrange a party and invite him to it. Manish declines their request to join the party and says he would have more fun to read than spend time at a party.

The day of the final examination approached and each one including Manish gets ready to go to the examination centre in a nearby school five kilometres away. His classmates arrange a bus to take them to the exam centre and ask Manish to go with them. But he is arrogance personified. He refuses straightaway and says he would prefer to go in his own bike.

On the way, his bike gets punctured. Despite all his efforts he fails to get his tyre patched and misses the exam by half an hour consequently. Due to panic and anxiety, he fails to get good results in the exam. Finally obtains a B grade and from that day onwards his career gets a downward graph.

On the other hand, Neha keeps on improving in every subject and her marks in each subject increase considerably in every exam. One year after she appears her final exam and does exceedingly well much beyond the expectations of her parents and teachers. Her career gets a total boost and finally, she becomes a doctor. Her brother whom everybody was ambitious about fails to pass his graduation certificate.

Moral of the story -- Try to be sober, humble. That will take you miles ahead.

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