Love Rebounds, Gets Reflected.
Love Rebounds, Gets Reflected.

Love is eternal, love is sublime. Love attracts emotions, binds, and shackles every creature and often reflects back with more colors, more vibrant, more radiant than ever before. Such is the power of love that even nature also blossoms with its glow. The vegetation regains its greenery, the flowers become more colorful, the children become more cheerful, the earth starts buzzing with a melody that touches each and every string of your heart.
Lord Krishna touched the chore of everyone's heart with the kind of love that mesmerized not only the " gopis" but also every cattle in that ancient " Gopanagri". Latter he enchanted the heart and soul of " Radha" with the same eternal love that made them the legends of divine love and became a part and parcel of Brindavan.
Rajni was a simple village girl no way comparable with "Radha" of that epic love story of Brindavan. But she created a story which forced people to compare her story with that of Radha. She got a little bit of education that her poor parents could afford. Her parents got married to a young man of a nearby village. Vijay worked as a carpenter in the nearby industrial town of Kanpur. They often wanted to move to the town to stay together but the financial constraints didn't allow them to migrate. The parents of Vijay also didn't want their daughter-in-law to stay in that dangerous town where she would have to remain alone the most part of the day. The young couple suffered miserably due to unwanted separation. But they had to compromise as Vijay's earnings were not adequate to travel to and fro from his working place to his village. He used to come home only twice a month.
This unneeded separation created a new change to the already woeful life story of this young couple. Vijay fell in love with a maidservant of the owner of the carpenter shop. Lalita, the maid was a crook of a woman who was more in love with Vijay's money rather than himself. But she was extremely cunning and apt in alluring young males towards her curvy physi
Slowly Rajni came to know about the secret love story. She knew she needed to raise to the demands of the situation otherwise she would be a useless doll in the cupboard of Vijay's house. She also knew she would not get any help from neither her parents, not from her in-laws. But she was determined and with the help of the Women's self-help society got financial assistance from the local bank and started a carpenter shop of her own. With two of her workers, she worked almost throughout the day and established her business. Her next action plan was to bring home her husband who had stopped coming after a brutal fight between the two in which she had suffered many injuries.
She sent two of her employees to invite Vijay to work in the shop without naming the owner. But Vijay refused to come. Rajni again set up a new plan and with some timely help from her parents became a direct competitor of her husband's owner. She snatched several business contracts from the shop owner who became totally unsettled by the way Rajni trapped him. The shop owner Rajib Kumar investigated the matter and came to know the entire story behind his downfall. He immediately fired Vijay from his shop. Vijay became vindictive after losing his job and in a rage assaulted the shop owner. Rajib Kumar got injured and Vijay was immediately arrested by the local police.
After spending five days inside the jail when he couldn't be produced in the court by the police, due to a lawyer's strike, Vijay was entirely shaken up. He knew that he had committed unpardonable mistakes. But there was no respite to his miseries.
Rajni came to the police station with some of her friends on the seventh day and got Vijay released on bail.
Vijay came home, not victorious or not basking in glory but rather humbled and ashamed of his nuisance. It took nearly a year to revive the old relationship as Rajni knew they were made for each other. They could never be separated for any reason unless the death intervened.