Jisha Rajesh



Jisha Rajesh


Colours Of Life

Colours Of Life

3 mins

It's the dark era of our life that teaches us some of the valuable lessons. And it was while enduring one of such dark eras, that I stumbled upon one of the precious secrets of finding happiness in life. It's been said that childhood is the happiest period in one's life. But I was an unfortunate one, as I never had a happy childhood.

The reason for my unhappiness was that my parents never got along well. They used to argue every other day and that made me feel low. After several failed attempts to mend their relationship, they finally decided to part ways. We left our house and I came along with my mother to stay at my grandparent's place. The thought of never meeting my father again troubled me deep within and I remained gloomy all the time.

Then, yet another blow came crashing at me like a bolt from the blue. My mother got a well-paid job abroad. As my grandparents were too old and couldn't take care of me, I was packed off to a boarding school. As my mother flew to London, I was totally shattered on being left alone. I hated my new school and hostel life. I was so depressed, that I never spoke a word to anyone there at the hostel. Hence, I had no friends and remained alone and gloomy, all throughout my first week at the hostel.

Then came the festival of colours, Holi. Although, it was my favourite festival, I was not in a mood of celebration. I closed the doors and windows of my room and sat cuddled in one of the dark corners. Suddenly, I heard a splash of water on the closed window of my room. I opened the window and peeped out. Another splash of coloured water dashed on me and coloured me with all those bright and beautiful colours. Through my window, I saw my classmates, applying colour on each other's faces and drenching each other with coloured water at the playground downstairs. On seeing this, excitement pumped through me and I couldn't keep myself bound within the confinement of my room.

I hopped down to the ground where all those girls were playing Holi. I took a handful of colour and threw it at a group of girls. In return, they bathed me with the coloured water. We all ended up giggling as we saw each other's colour sodden faces. It was after a long, long time that I had laughed my heart out. We kept celebrating the festival of colours and in the bargain, I made a lot of friends. Now, the choking feeling of loneliness was gone. I was now a part of one big happy family. They all had showered me generously with the colours of love, happiness and friendship. That particular incident taught me one of the most valuable lessons in life. He who can find happiness in little joys of life has attained the key to eternal happiness.

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