Drama Romance Thriller



Drama Romance Thriller

CHANGING TIMES : The beginning

CHANGING TIMES : The beginning

4 mins

Now when Manvi didn't got this opportunity she was upset but as per the school life she got so busy now all first four periods passes and now its the recess time . Like a new teenager she was at the age of her life where she was so into her friends that she was extremely fond of them she goes to the water point with her bestfriend Disha talking to her after washing there hands both they came in the class and sat down on Disha's bench for lunch well genuinely Manvi didn't cares much about this boy Aarav but he suddenly got her eyes when Manvi saw him being so comfortable with other boys and laughing till now Manvi get to know he is a intelligent boy but now she see him having fun now she understands that he is a cherished person who has good nature and her assumptions goes all the way wrong but Manvi wasn't like other girls of her age she doesn't have much interest in boys very straightforward . So this didn't bothered her , after the lunch it was the games period favourite of all students but being a student of government school they only get a volleyball from which they have to play football other items such as badminton was broken football was ripped . Boys were now playing and girls at this age usually have a different mood of talking and sharing their feelings so girls were roaming here and there with there besties and Manvi along with Disha and some other girls was sitting in the prayer stage stairs talking about boys but Manvi wasn't much interested she wasn't a relationship person she knows the value of true love she doesn't consider childish attraction and affection love . Manvi was a teenager but still she was mature as a 20 year old women at the age of just 13. So she only used to advice her friends rather than talking about boys . Today KANCHAN one of Manvi's classmate was telling about her current relation with a 10th class guy almost 20 minutes were gone itno KANCHAN 's gossips all were so concentrated listening to her and suddenly a ball hitted right near where Manvi was sitting she got scared and looked forward to find who actually did this she gave that ball back to the boys as she also knew it was unintentional and she too didn't got harm . But now she has her eyes on the ground cause she doesn't want to get harmed by it . Watching the match totally tooks her focus from Kanchan's gossip all she was now doing is to watch her fellow boys playing football now after five mintues she founds that Aarav is good in sports also just opposite from her imagination she has now different and changed thoughts for Aarav . After the games period other three periods passed and now it was the time to go home Mannvi used to go home by RTV bus . She was on the window side now she saw Aarav again going in an Eco van .


Arav performed well at stage for special item . He gets in notice of teachers due to his confidence as he was in the school since three days only .



Manvi whose the topper of her class is now not the topper of the class she she did top by girls side and a new competitor taking her position who else Aarav did top from the boys side and got more marks than Manvi . Manvi was upset as Aarav was just got one mark more than her and did top . Now Manvi lost all her self confidence she doesn't even wanted to know her marks in science but the school bell rings and she have to face the science teacher. Siting on her desk fingers crossed!! she was only hopping to get marks that good that she will be topper again. In a low sound she was chanting different prayers as she had a lot if faith in god . Her roll no. was before Aarav she got 39 marks out of 40 and now only thing she wants that may Aarav doesn't gets above 39 . Aarav got 37 marks as faith in god never goes in vain Manvi thanked god .

Now all the teachers started comparing MANVI and AARAV and this comparison changed destiny , rather than separation it ended up with unity of two souls. Sometimes two different things together just destroys.........

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