Mouna M



Mouna M


Big Brothers

Big Brothers

2 mins

Those were the days, when we used to quarrel together for the chocolates, sweets, and what not, bought by our dad. Now, those days seem to be pretty far away from reality. We don't even have time to call up each other and find out the whereabouts, leave aside sharing chocolates.

What an irony!!! I still remember the way we used to fight with each other and how we used reconcile again and share things with each other. Now, we hardly find time to see face to face, leave aside fighting!!

I loved the way we used to hog on to the pounds of bread, and packet of biscuits, and season of mangoes, there was no stopping for our eating. Now, we do not have enough time to call each other over for food.

It was a great achievement when we could prepare a toffee out of tamarind, jaggery, salt, and chilly powder, and relished the sour and sweet taste, but nowadays, I can't even think of buying one!!

I cried with you when our mother scolded my brothers for stealing money from her purse, but later felt happy when you promised her that you would never repeat that mistake again..

Now we have enough money that would never make us steal, but the question is where to spend the money? what use is the money, which is kept in the locker, if it's not used for the poor!!

I felt happy when my brothers read out the results for me from the newspaper, and how our mother used to prepare the delicious jamoons on that day, but now there's no time to be off news or newspaper, 

I remember still how you made me a scapegoat to pass on the love letters to your beloved girlfriend, now my sister-in-law! now there's only whatsapp or facebook to see the saddened face...

We miss each other, busy in our own world, but believe me, my brothers, if God permits me one more wish, I would go back to my past and live it to my best, trying to erase the waste....

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