Hiral Modi

Drama Romance Tragedy


Hiral Modi

Drama Romance Tragedy

As Destined To Be Actualized

As Destined To Be Actualized

7 mins

Old school romance and fairy tale love always interested Inaaya. Hardly did she know that by the end of her teenage, she would be experiencing such eternal bliss in the form of Sahil.

It's completely true when people say that most love stories are initiated by the rains. "Baarish ke wajah se late hogaya; dekho na, mein poora bheeg gaya hu!" said Sahil to his friend. Inaaya turned to see as if Sahil was asking her to see him. Sahil realized that he was too loud and turned to see Inaaya who was by now mesmerized by this unknown guy's cuteness! They decided to break the ice by just smiling at each other.

Sahil is a chocolatey guy with cuteness overloaded and that puppy face he makes gets all hearts melting; turns out to be mumma's laadla. On the exact contrary is his dedication towards serving the country as an army personnel. He is a die hard fan of Sallu Bhai. He craves for loyalty from his partner. And known to be a very loyal, caring and sensitive person as a friend. On the whole, Sahil happens to have understood the reason behind his existence on point.

Inaaya is everything a person could be straight out of extra ordinary imagination, she is an extrovert, dreamy eyed yet accurately practical. She loves herself and the way her life always has something great in store for her. Her love for books landed her into taking up writing as her career. Adventurous and crazy with friends along with the traits of being kind and generous outline Inaaya!

Inaaya always had a thing for love stories but played safe and never let her name be associated in any story of romantic genre. With this guy, the spark wouldn't just seem to subside.

They happened to see each other again in a couple of days. Sahil wasn't the one who held back and neither was Inaaya, thus a conversation started. That conversation within no time turned into friendship. Friendship over the period of 4 months very effortlessly turned into something extra ordinary. And then unlike other couples, Sahil and Inaaya confidently articulated a forever relationship.

Three years later

"And here she is, your little one, have you thought of a name yet Inaaya?" said Mr. Rao handing over the 3-day old baby girl to Inaaya.

"She is the angel of our lives and hence we chose to name her Pari." answered Inaaya embracing the little one.

"Sahil is back in a few days, right?"

"Yeah, he had said that he would be here by now; could be that he is stuck with something. I am sure I will get through him."

"Will you be able to manage while he is away?"

"Looks like."

"I told you then and I am repeating it again, this is a huge responsibility. I had agreed for you guys to have her only because Sahil and you were together."

"Yeah uncle, I understand your concern and we are going to be fine."

"All the best dear, may The Supreme bless you with all the happiness."

"Thank you uncle, and again we are extremely grateful that you made this happen."

With a smile on his face, Mr. Rao left the hospital knowing that Pari was indeed in safe hands. With all these years of experience, he could make out right from wrong effortlessly.

Pari was born to a single mother who could not be saved. Since, Sahil and Inaaya had already spoken to Mr. Rao - the caretaker of the Sapna Foundation - a combination of wrinkles and birth cries i.e.; an old age home and an orphanage, about wanting to adopt a baby girl as soon as possible. The couple came handy when it was time to find parents for Pari.

Inaaya stood just outside the maternity ward. She embraced Pari and looked at her with tears of happiness. Her way of life was going to take a sharp turn from being an author to being a mother and she was ready for everything that came her way. Sahil's a

bsence had indeed given her profound strength.

The doctor claimed that Pari was born healthy and could be taken home right away. There were a few formalities that needed to be completed regarding the adoption that Mr. Rao had already taken care of.

“Surprise, Surprise!” exclaimed Yanshika as soon as Inaaya stepped home.

“I am so glad that you could make it darling. Love you so much!!” said Inaaya totally relieved.

“I had to be here when my soul sister needed me and moreover I have to take the responsibility of being a maasi na? Handover my little daughter to me!!” said Yanshika taking Pari into embrace.

Yanshika and Inaaya put Pari to sleep and took seats on the couch with their special soul sister coffee mugs in hand. Yanshika knew that Sahil was away and she eagerly wanted to ask Inaaya about him.

“Where is Sahil?” Yanshika inquired apprehensively.

“Last July, Major summoned Sahil saying that there was an important operation to discuss which required their complete attention. He also told that the operation will require Sahil to be away from home for probably 6 months. Saying that, he left Bangalore mid July. And it’s an year since I spoke to him after that. We had discussed about an adoption with Mr. Rao and thus I received a call early July when they saw Pari’s biological mother's health failing. And the rest you already know.” answered Inaaya helplessly.

Inaaya then dialled the Indian Army with whom she had been in touch for the last 8 months.

“I am Inaaya, as you already know for the last 8 months. Captain Sahil?”

“I am extremely sorry ma'am but we can’t give you any details about Captain Sahil as of date.” said the person on the phone.

“Would you mind considering the importance of him in my life when I just got a new born home?” questioned Inaaya in a cold yet polite manner.

“I understand your situation ma’am, many such instances have taken place earlier. But I can not reveal anything, its confidential. I assure you that Captain Sahil will contact you in a few days.”

“I am hoping that you are in touch with him, please pass this message onto him- We have got Pari home and she’s healthy.”

“I will do my best ma’am.”

4 months later

Fourth year anniversary of Sahil and Inaaya

Inaaya was busy baking a cake for the celebrations. She and Sahil were aware of the fact that his work would keep him away from home but this came a little unexpectedly and so she had to learn living in his absence. Not that she was ever dependent on him but now the emotional dependency also seemed to be fading. Her work life and Pari were keeping her busy and she liked it that way.

While Inaaya and Yanshika were busy decorating the villa owned by Inaaya which was thoughtfully named “Parilok “, they heard a bell at the door.

Inaaya walked upto the door and found Sahil standing there with a huge bouquet of Orchids. She was speechless and melted like ice cream onto the floor. Sahil took her into embrace as if to prove that he was here to stay. All the strength she had held onto was let free and she cried her heart out in his embrace. Yanshika brought Pari to Sahil and Inaaya, both were in tears of joy as the daughter's father took his baby girl in his arms. They feel the day to heart's content.

When Pari was put to sleep and the couple was retiring for the day, Sahil asked Inaaya whether she wanted to know what kept him away for so long. To which Inaaya answered ,

“I trust our destined paths Sahil and you are the Sahil, the shore for me, so I knew we were to meet. The reason be it anything cannot part us.”

But now Inaaya obviously wasn't emotionally dependent and her fascination of old school romance and fairy tales also faded.

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