Shraddha Pandey

Abstract Tragedy Children


Shraddha Pandey

Abstract Tragedy Children

And he embraced the death...

And he embraced the death...

1 min

This picture can break thousand hearts. In this picture, you can see a messy room where a man died and no one is there. It looks like he was living alone and nobody helped him in his hard times.

It is one of the most heart breaking picture.

He had 2 sons whom he raised very well and sacrificed a lot of things for their better future. When he got retired, he had a stroke of brain hemorrhage and paralysis. So he was unable to stand on his feet. His wife had died earlier and thus, there was nobody to stay with him. He had two sons who used to live in another city,

they left behind a servant for his care and locked rest of the rooms. One day the servant went out, he met an accident and passed away. Two of his sons were thinking that the servant is there and things are going well. When they returned after three months, they saw the house was in unexpected condition, it was full of dust and bad smell. On top of it, the servant was not there. They broke the lock and got inside the room.

And then, what they saw was so disheartening and disturbing. They saw the skeleton of their father. They saw a man helpless man who was asking for help silently but nobody helped him out.

They started thinking about his last words – I don't want to die without taking the glimpse of my sons. He must have prayed for others' to not going through the same situation. Life can be bluntly unfair.

Don't left behind your parents alone. Talk to them on daily basis or alternate basis. Take care of them.

Money can't be more precious than parents

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