Navin used to sit in the park and study under the shade of a huge banyan tree. The Municipality officials had made a wooden bench for people to rest, and Navin generally sat on this bench spreading his books in the evening. There was a street lamp which provided ample light, even if he sat up late. Many regular joggers at the park recognized and appreciated the little boy. But as he entered his favorite haunt that day, he was stunned to see a few people driving everyone away from the garden. But he proceeded nonchalantly towards his bench.
A man came over and shouted, “Hey kid, can you not see that we are clearing this place. Please get out from here.”
Navin was furious.
“I am not disturbing you at all. So why do you want me to leave?” he asked.
The man was adamant.
“We are filming a song here. We don’t want anyone in the vicinity,” he said while shoving the boy aside. Navin’s books fell from his hands.
“Don’t you dare touch me,” shouted the boy giving him a glaring look. He picked up his precious books and walked over to another side. His eyes were glistening with tears.
At the same time, a beautiful young woman got down from a bright red sports car. She had watched the entire episode. She walked over to the young lad and said softly, “ I saw what happened. I am sorry that you were pushed like that. Shankar, the director of this film, is my cousin. He should not have spoken to you like that. I apologize on his behalf.”
“It’s okay,” replied Navin with a shy smile. “I am Navin,” he introduced himself.
“I am Nalini,” she smiled. Her smile had a calming effect on Navin.
“Are you studying for your exams?” asked Nalini.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied. “And you are acting in this film?”
“No. no,” she laughed. “I am not an actress. I came to see if I could be of any help to my cousin as it is his first venture.”
Just then Shankar saw her talking to Navin and came towards her.
She hurriedly removed a card from her handbag and shoved it in Navin’s hand saying, “ Meet me if you can tomorrow at around six in the evening.”
Navin was stunned. Being a street kid, he had come across so many types of people, but to be invited home by a beautiful woman! Unbelievable!
But the next day, his legs involuntarily took him to the address written on the card exactly at six o’clock. To his surprise, Nalini was actually waiting in front of her beautiful villa. She welcomed him into her home. That was when he saw an old woman lying on a cot. She seem to be really ill.
“Mom,” said Nalini. “This is the boy I was telling you about.”
There was no reaction. The old woman’s eyes were closed.
Nalini sighed. “She has been like this for months now.”
“Let me come to the point, Navin,” she said. “You said you were studying for your exams. In fact when I saw you picking up the books and clutching them close to your heart, my attention was drawn towards you. You reminded me of myself at your age,” she continued. “I loved to study. Though we were quite poor, my father, a
farm laborer, put me in school and provided for my education, even if it meant that my parents had to subsist on one meal a day. I was immersed in my studies and soon passed out from school and college. But not once did my parents let me even have an inkling about the struggles that they went through to make me achieve my dream of being educated. ”
Navin was listening to her in fascination.
“But my father’s health had deteriorated by then. I decided to start working to provide for them. I got a job in a bank. But I did not give up on my studies. I did a part time executive course in Financial Management. I started climbing up the ladder of success in my career. I am in a good position now, only thanks to my education. My father passed away a few months back and my mother has been in shock ever since.”
“Now you may be wondering why I am telling you all this. I see that spark of determination in you to learn and succeed and I want you to continue your education, whatever your circumstances may be,” Nalini paused.
“Now, tell me about yourself, where do you live?” she asked.
“On the streets,” replied Navin stiffening up slightly. “On my own,” he added. “I have never seen my parents. I don’t know who they are.”
Nalini was stunned into silence.
“I distribute newspapers in the morning, clean some cars and then go to school. The park is the place where I can spend an hour or so to do some concentrated learning. That’s the reason I was upset with your cousin when he pushed me away from there.”
Nalini looked at him with new found respect and admiration.
“Ma’am! You are lucky. Your parents love you so much.” He turned away to hide his tears and started walking towards the door.
“Son.” A feeble voice came to his ears.
He turned around and saw the woman on the cot holding out her arms towards him. Navin was astonished. He looked at Nalini. She seemed to be in a daze. Her mother had heard everything and was reacting for the very first time in months. Her beseeching eyes made Navin walk towards the old lady and into her outstretched arms. Suddenly it was as if life changed for him. He felt a sense of motherly love enveloping him for the first time in his life. He felt a sense of belonging.
Nalini came to her senses. She touched her mother’s forehead lovingly as she spoke to Navin.
“Navin. I called you here to induce you to never abandon your studies. I wanted to help you achieve your dream. And I hope I am able to do it. But you have given me so much more. You have brought my mother back to the world and me in particular. Thank you so much.”
For years thereafter, Navin used to visit Nalini’s mother as and when he could. He did not expect any help from Nalini in return. His self respect and pride made him refuse the monetary help that she offered. He worked his way. But he continually sought the blessings of Nalini’s mother before all his exams and when he graduated in Medicine, he rushed to their house to share his happiness with them. Navin had finally realized his dream.