Always Give A Second Thought
Always Give A Second Thought

Once upon a time there lived a king who wanted to be immortal and he did many ways to be young always. He asked his fellow people to announce that whoever will make him immortal he will give whatever they will ask for.
Many people tried making medicines and did some experiments on animals but in vain.
Anand was a young scholar and a scientist who did some research on Guava by injecting some medicines in it, he ate it and he grew younger. The experiment was successful, whoever will eat it once will be 10 years younger than the current age.
He traveled many miles and on the way he was restless, he lied under a tree and slept for some hours. A snake came and tried to bite and lick the Guava. After a while he woke up and continued his journey to the palace.
As he reached the palace, he introduced himself and all the ministers were eager to watch the experiment. The head minister said, "We have a parrot, let's give a piece of it to parrot. We cannot let our king eat anything like that". Guava was cut into two pieces, The poisonous part was coincidentally given to the parrot. Within thirty minutes parrot died. It was a shocking event for all.
King was very angry and he ordered the minister to hang him till death.
He also ordered the other half of the guava to be buried far away from the palace.
In a year there was a guava tree fully grown with full of Guavas. There was an old couple living nearby who were just fed up of their lives with all diseases and age factor. Old man and his wife decided to eat the guavas and die to get rid of this life. Both of them started eating it and got unconscious and slept. Within a day they were transformed into a young couple. Old man woke up and saw the young girl sitting there, he asked, "did you see any old woman here?"
She replied, "No, but I am looking for my old man who resembles like you".
They just touched their own hands and feet and realised they grew young. This news went like fire in the whole area. Old couple got scared that if King comes to know about this incident then he will kill us too. They lit some fire and burnt the tree and ran from the place.
The king got the news about the old couple, he felt so guilty about his decision.
~~~Always give a second thought before taking a quick decision~~~~