S M Jahid Hasan

Drama Romance Thriller


S M Jahid Hasan

Drama Romance Thriller



5 mins

In a land, there was a princess. The princess's name was Maisha. That beautiful princess had a garden. No, it's wrong. The princess had several gardens. In it was a garden full of rose trees. 104 types of roses bloomed in that garden. And the garden was looked after by an old gardener. That gardener had no one in his three clans. So the gardener loved the rose trees in the garden like his own children.

The princess used to visit that rose garden often. Sometimes with friends and sometimes alone. When Maisha wandered alone in the garden, no one else was ordered to go there. Not even the kings. King Mashai once went to the garden by mistake, what is Maisha's anger! In anger, he did not say anything for three days. The king's daughter is said to be a little angry and arrogant! In the end, the princess's anger subsided after the king expressed a lot of grief. He said, I will tell that story another day. Let me tell you today's story first. Oh, it's good to mention another thing, if the princess ever saw any earthworms or worms on the ground while walking in the garden, she would crush them with her feet. The earthworm and the fort were poison in the eyes of the princess.

So what I was saying... The princess is very upset for some reason. The anger seems to be waking up little by little. So the princess came to the rose garden to make herself happy. Seeing all the beautiful flowers, the princess's heart slowly began to improve. What Maisha saw at such a time made her mood worse. What do you see, a handsome boy, looking just like a prince, is standing in front of a black rose tree in his garden. The princess thinks to herself, the boy has so much courage, I am in the garden, this time he is walking around in my garden! Wait, today I will ride you. Thinking about this, the princess went in front of the boy.

When he went in front of the boy, he said, 'This boy, what do you want here? what is your name Why did you come? What are you doing in my garden?The princess stopped asking so many questions at once. The boy then said, 'Hey father, does anyone ask so many questions at once or together? Wait, I am answering one by one. My name is Jae Baldhan. I am an earthworm. I live in the underground earthworm kingdom. I am the prince of that kingdom. There is a witch called Vidhumtan in our state. As eccentric as his name is, so is his nature. So I came to your kingdom as a human under the curse of that witch. And what are you doing in the garden? As you can see, I am taking the scent of flowers. This must be the prince of some country, I hate earthworms and maybe he is telling me so.

Maisha said, 'does this e

ver happen? Can earthworms ever become humans? What is their state again? Where does the old witch come from?'

'Why not?' Baldhan asked back before Maisha finished speaking. "If in your fairy tale, the prince can become a frog under the curse of the witch, and the princess Tia can fly as a bird, then is it wrong to turn from an earthworm to a human under the curse of our witch?"

No, no, I'm not talking about the fault. I was wondering if it really happened again!

Of course it is. A hundred times. Here, I am his proof. Look, I was under the ground, as soon as I became a man, I broke the ground and came to your garden. You tell me, if I am not an earthworm, would I be able to come to your garden after such a strict surveillance of your garden?'

Maisha thought, the words are not completely false. Really put a strict guard around the garden. Pushing this guard would not have allowed this boy (what a name... and yes, Baldhan) to enter the garden. 'Baldhan, how do you feel coming to our kingdom?' Maisha asked.

Not good at all. My parents, friends, everyone is waiting for me under the ground, when can I go back to them again. You are so rotten. Just crush us when you see us. When can I go back to my kingdom!'

How will your curse be cut? You can return to your kingdom only if the curse is lifted!'

Yes, you said that right. If I can convince even one person of the world our importance, like this, the soil is sometimes hollow because we move through it. Light can move air. That is why we are called natural plows. The land is fertile because of us. But look, you just kill us. Now if I get a promise from even one person that he will never kill us on sight again, only then will I be freed from the witch's curse.

'But be that as it may, look, I promise, I will never kill you again if I see you. I will tell everyone about your benefits. I understand, you really do us a favor.'

'Uh, you didn't say that from your heart. According to the witch, if a person from the heart would say such a thing, then I would have to go back to the earthworm kingdom.

'This time I am truly speaking from my heart. Look, I'm telling three truths with my eyes closed. true true True.' Saying the princess who opened her eyes, Oma! Where is the force! There is no one in front of him! The princess fell into a trap. Did the force really come? Or was this just his imagination? Whether true or false, I vowed never to kill such a beneficial animal again. And yes, let others know too. Thinking of this, Maisha took the way back to go to her friends in Rajmahal....

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