A Negative Test
A Negative Test

Sapna, Saroj, Ahok, and Anil studied in class 11 and were class fellows and friends. Anil and Saroj were just friends. Ashok and Sapna also said they were just good friends. However, Saroj knew that they were romantically inclined toward each other. Sapna had confessed her feelings for Ashok before Saroj.
It was the lockdown period because of the Corona outbreak. They remained most of the time at home.
Sapna and Saroj lived in the adjacent houses and they could see each other and talk by standing near the boundary wall, which stood between their houses.
Every day they talked. Otherwise, they chatted on WhatsApp.
One day Saroj asked Sapna, "How is your boyfriend?"
Sapna silenced her, "shshshee…"
Saroj asked, "What happened?"
Sapna, "Please don't utter this word BF. Better say Ashok. If anybody hears I will have to ans
wer several questions."
Saroj, "Okey. Ashok."
Sapna, "He should be fine."
Saroj, "Don't you chat with him?"
Sapna, "We chat some times."
Saroj, "Have you tested his sincerity for you? Does he care about you?"
Sapna, "No."
Saroj had a crazy idea.
She said to Sapna, "You can test him now."
Sapna asked her, "How?"
Saroj, "Call him now to come and meet you."
Sapna, "Saroj are you crazy? If I want him to care about me I also need to care about him. I can't ask him to violet the Lockdown and expose himself and others to the risk of catching Corona."
Saroj realized his mistake and said, "I am sorry. You are right. We should not instigate or cause anybody to violate the lockdown. Better people stay home."
It was time to go inside the houses.
They did Namaste and went to their houses.