A Fragile Packet

A Fragile Packet

3 mins

Raphael, Clary and Maia were walking down the lane of Roxbury Street, coming back from school. As they went down the lane, they found a box, wrapped with tape and labelled ‘Fragile’, but there was something strange about that box. It was rattling and making weird sounds.

Maia getting a little scared, asked, “What's in it? What is that weird sound?”

Clary said, “I don't know. Let's check.”

As she tore the tape, she found something small, cute and adorable. Puppies!!

One was a Dalmatian, which had black polka dots on his white skin, while the other one was an Akita. They were overjoyed. It was Raphael who spoke first after a long time, “Who left them over here? There are so cute!”

Maia still holding them, said,  “Let's adopt them. What do you say Clary?”

“Even if we want to, we can't, as our parents won’t allow us.” replied Clary.

“We could hide them in the garage, nobody would even notice.” said Raphael thoughtfully.

Clary, after thinking what to do, said, “Okay then, but make sure nobody notices.” They took the box with the puppies and hid them in the shoe rack which was in the garage. As they played with them, they found that they looked hungry, so they fed them with some cookies and milk.

Next day, before leaving for school, they again gave the puppies some cookies and milk. Time passed by and they continued giving them food everyday. One day their mother saw them going to the garage with some food. She doubted them that very moment and kept a watch on them for next two days. After they had left for their schools, their mother went in the garage. To her surprise, there was nothing in there. She was confused.

Presently, they had to practice for their annual concert, so they used to come home early. One day, they were walking down the lane to their house, when they saw someone holding their puppies. They ran towards the person. Clary getting angry, shouted, “Who are you? And how dare you try to steal our puppies?”

“Hey calm down. I'm Julie. I saved your puppies from being noticed by your mother the other day.”

“So, you're saying that you went in our garage and brought the puppies out so that our mother doesn't notice them without you being noticed?” asked Raphael.

“Yes.” answered Julie.

“Where do you live? Maybe you can take care of the puppies in a better way.” said Maia.

“Oh. I'm an orphan. I live at the orphanage down the street.” said Julie softly with sadness in her voice.

That was the day when the three girls realized that they should give the puppies to someone who can really take care of them. And well, this is how the puppies landed up at Julie's place. Moreover, Julie got three new friends! It was then, that they lived happily ever after.    

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