A Book Of Love And Heartbreak
A Book Of Love And Heartbreak

She didn't remember exactly how it all began. All she knew was that she could see the end coming soon.
As Tara walked down the stairs of the hospital, she was in a pensive mood, not because she was tired having been part of the medical team that had completed a four hour grueling surgery , but because she had filed a divorce plea that very morning before she reached the hospital.
Growing up, life was so good. It was like that book of fairy tales that her mother had gifted her on her 9th birthday. Tara was the princess of her house, everyone loved her to bits. She had the best of everything, both her parents being renowned surgeons. She always knew that she would also be a doctor one day as she adored her parents and always wanted to make them proud.
All through school, her constant companions were books, she graduated from fairy tales to Mills & Boon though. From dashing doctors to millionaire tycoons, her idea of romance was all so bookish.
As she landed in medical school, reality had begun to dawn upon her slowly and steadily. Away from home, away from parents, living in a girls' hostel, eating at the mess was really tough , contrary to the books that would make such a life look fancy at times. A little relief was the library next to her hostel that stocked romantic fiction, some much needed break from the big books on human anatomy.
As Tara walked into the library during her second year of medical school, she heard someone call out her name. She turned around, there he was, six feet tall, light brown eyes, ruffled hair, and a earnest smile on his face. Who was he? Why was he calling her out?
Before Tara could say anything, he brought his hand forward. Tara couldn't believe what she saw. An hour ago, she was at a coffee shop to meet a friend, she didn't realise that she forgot something there, yes, her favorite thing, a book. The same book was in this guy's hand now whose name she didn't know yet.
Tara smiled and took the book, the coffee shop was a couple of kms away, this guy followed her just so that he could return the book, straight out of a fantasy novel.
His name was Abdul, the place where he stayed was very close to the library, and he was also at the coffee shop at the same time as Tara.
They exchanged numbers and rest was a blur, she didn't remember when love happened, when he proposed and when she said yes.
All she remembered was coming home after her final year exams and telling her father that she wanted to get married to Abdul. Her father, being pragmatic, told her that she can marry if she can manage her professional life alongside and
be dedicated to the medical field. Abdul had finished his MBA and settled into a cushy job, he was an orphan raised by his relatives , he did odd jobs all through graduation and MBA to support himself and had finally reached his goal. His family didn't have much say in his decision to marry.
A couple of months into marriage, Tara was at the same coffee shop with Abdul. It was an off day for both, they were sipping coffee and gazing into each other 's eyes.
Abdul suddenly blinked, he wanted to discuss something important. His company had offered him a one year stint in London and he wanted to go, he was pensive , Tara was calm, it was just one year, she knew he would come back as it happened in the book she had read years ago.
A couple of days before his departure, Abdul and Tara went to meet her parents. Her father was in the study and didn't come downstairs to meet her. That was strange. Leaving Abdul chatting with her mother, Tara quickly went upstairs to the study. As she entered, her father was busy looking at some patient's case file, He looked up but didn't give her the smile that he always gave her.
Tara was puzzled, she came close. Her father looked at her sternly.
"What's the matter?", Tara asked.
"I never thought I did say this but you have disappointed me ", her father said.
"What did I do to disappoint you?", she asked?
"Never have I ever used my name or position to get a favor, however I had to do that for you, I feel terrible about it. ", her father angrily remarked.
" What favor? I have no clue", she said grimly.
"Well, last month Abdul had come to meet me, he wanted me to put in a word of recommendation to his boss so that he could go to London, he said you were aware of it but were hesitant to tell me the same, In case you are not aware, the guy you chose is not the right guy, " his father started checking the file again.
Tara walked out of the study. She knew what she had to do and she did exactly that.
Tara came out of the hospital, she saw Abdul waiting near the parking area, he was looking tensed, he walked towards her.
"What is this? You knew I am leaving for London tomorrow , still you filed for divorce today. Tara. . . why?", he gasped.
Tara realised in that moment that she never got to know the real Abdul, it was all a farce, he was still pretending.
A tear rolled down her right cheek, she didn't utter a word, sat in her car and left. As she reached home, she sat down, picked up a book that she was midway through. It struck her her life had turned into a book of romance & heartbreak
So what, life still goes on.